Friday, July 6, 2012

Smores on a Stick

This year my daughter had more of a birthday week instead of just a birthday celebration.  We had her party in Nebraska with the family then on her actual birthday she had a small sleep over (just her and her bff).  But you know we had to have fun and do some projects (because she like wants to do projects all the time now, yes I have created a crafting monster). 

And well since it has been so HOT out we needed stuff to do inside and then we came up with the idea of an indoor camp-out.  How fun right?  Well the girls had a blast but I will go more into that on my next post, this post we will talk about our camp-out treats… SMORES!!! Because you cannot have a camp-out without smores (yes I do believe that is a camping rule).   However because of the heat I did not want to light a fire or turn the oven on so we had to come up with another way to do them.  That is when I thought Smores on a stick, perfect because that would totally work for our camp-out and roasting them over our campfire (campfire post up next).    

As far as storing these yummy treats, I just put the leftovers  in a baggie and put them in the fridge, they keep well and are easy to take with you or to sit out on a plate for a nice treat at a party.

WARNING…. These smores are highly addictive and very yummy so be ready to eat more than you wanted! 

½ a bag chocolate chips
¼ cup milk
Gram crackers
Cooking Skewers
Parchment paper

Start by mashing your gram crackers into fine crumbs (this was my daughter’s favorite part) the put in a bowl.
 Now get your marshmallows ready with some skewers in them
  Pour ½ a bag of chocolate chips in a pot and add ¼ cup milk,
heat on medium till chocolate is melted.
 Now dip your marshmallow in the chocolate 
 and then roll in the gram crackers then sit on parchment paper to dry.
 Now eat and enjoy, but don’t forget they are addictive!


  1. Those look so yummy and everything is more fun on a stick!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am following you back!


  2. Those look delicious! My girls would love them!

  3. What good fun! I love to see kids helping in the kitchen. Thank you for sharing this.

  4. Yum! I love this idea. Any food on a stick is a winner in my book, and this seems like it would be less messy to eat than traditional s'mores.

    Found you on the Serenity Now link party. :)

  5. Oh, how fun!! What a great idea! I will definitely have to try this one. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  6. Great easy idea! Thanks for linkin up! Can’t wait to see what you’ve made this week!

  7. I absolutely love smores! Never thought to do them that way so thanks for sharing with us at tip toe thru tuesday!

  8. Ooh, looks yummy! Thanks for the recipe & happy belated b-day:)
    Here from the Hop.

  9. How cute!! Seriously, that is adorable. What a fun and easy snack for company! Thanks for sharing :) New follower here. Yay for being blog friends!!
