Monday, July 2, 2012

Thomas Snack Train

It is hard for me to believe my daughter is turning 5 tomorrow.  I mean really where did the last 5 years go, they sure went by fast.  I often wish life came with a remote like the TV and I could just pause time and hang out here with my babies for a while longer.  But since that is not going to happen I try and enjoy them as much as I can.  So when my big girl told me she wanted a Thomas the Train party I knew we had to do a Thomas project.

I also told my family about her wish for a Thomas Birthday and my two Aunts made an AWESOME Thomas Train out of cardboard boxes.  I don’t think I could have ever done one that looks so great.  And my daughter just loved it.   The kids played in it quite a bit, as I am sure you could imagine.

The train my daughter and I made was nowhere near as grand as the one my Aunts did, but we did had fun making it and it worked great as the Snack Train for her party.  Oh and if you are wondering how to get all the shoe boxes to make this train, no worries I just called Payless and they held a bunch for me so I did not have to buy a bunch of shoes.

5 kids size shoe boxes
Red & Blue Wrapping paper
Black Construction paper
Toilet paper roll
Clean tin can
Black Paint
2 googly eyes

 Start by wrapping three boxes in your red wrapping paper.
 Then cut one box in half (this is for the top of the engine) and then wrap the ½ box and your last box in blue paper.
 Paint your tin can black
 Glue your googly eyes onto the front of your can
 Using your toilet paper roll trace out 24 circles onto your black construction paper, then cut them out.
 Glue your circles onto your covered boxes for the wheels (three on each side).
 Now set up your train, just put the one big blue box on the bottom, then your ½ box on top and your can in front of the ½ box.  Then line up your three train cars (the red boxes) behind your blue engine.
Fill the cars with whatever snacks you want.   If you want to do a lollipop car like we did you will need some Styrofoam to put in the shoe box to stick your lollipops in.
My Daughter and her Cousin Braxton took a break from the pool to get a snack from the train!


  1. Stopping by from the Make My Morning Blog Hop! I love your Thomas the Train theme, I may have to borrow for my son's party next year. He loves Thomas!

    Have a great week!


  2. This is so cute. I love the train theme. Stopping by from the Make My Morning Blog Hop. Started following.

  3. That's so cute! I've been coming up with birthday party ideas and my son is obsessed with trains. This would be a really neat way to serve snacks. I took a peek at the crafts you done and I love them! I'm definitely going to be using some of your ideas.
    New follower from Make My Morning blog hop.

  4. This is a clever craft idea that can be used as storage bins as well if the boxes are bigger. I love the Thomas Train in the back yard, definitely a good way to recycle boxes.
    I am following you from the Tuesday hop and would appreciate a follow back.
    Have a great day.

  5. Looks like she had a lot of fun! :) My daughter would love those two things at her next birthday party, she absolutely adores Thomas!

  6. Visiting from Made in a Day, but I love this!!! What kid wouldn't? Great idea, great fun.

  7. What a great idea! Following from a blog hop and hope you will follow me too:)

    Happy 4th of July!

  8. What fun ideas! I found you via the Follow me Wednesday and am happy to be your newest follower! I'd love a follow back at! :)

  9. Hey there. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. You can check it out at:

    Thank you :)

    P.S. This is a really neat idea!

  10. Aww! That is very cute!!! Happy 5th Birthday to your lil one!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)

  11. Stopping by from SO adoroable! Found you on the hop! I think I could even do this! You make it look easy!
