Monday, July 9, 2012

Campfire Craft

Have you ever had a camp-out?  How about an indoor camp-out? Well for my daughters sleep over we wanted to make it fun so we decided to do an indoor camp-out.  And well you can’t do that without a fire right?  And to be honest with this heat, I did not want to light a fire in the fire place so we made our own fire, which turned out perfect to roast our s’mores on a stick we made.

The girls really did have fun with this idea.  We roasted our smores which they both loved, and then we had to tell stories around our campfire.  Sleepovers are so much fun, and I think both girls had a great time at this one.  I thought about pitching a tent and going all out but to be honest I knew if I did I would have to sleep in it with the girls and I really wanted my bed (spoiled… yes!).  Maybe when the girls are older we will go all out with the tent, but for now this was super fun just the way we did it.
5 paper towel rolls
Brown Paint (cold probably leave this out, and just use the tubes if you don’t have the paint)
Red, Orange, & Yellow construction paper

 Paint all your cardboard rolls brown.
 While your paint is drying cut a fire shape out of your red paper (I just free handed mine)
Then trace your red fire onto the orange paper then cut it out about an ½ inch in so it will fit inside your red paper.  Now trace the orange fire onto the yellow and cut it an ½ inch in too.
 Now glue all three color fires together to make your fire.
 When your cardboard rolls are dry, start gluing them together to make your fire pit.  
 Wait till all the glue is dry then glue your fire into your fire pit.
 Now roast your smores on a stick that you prepared ahead of time.
 Then when you have your fill of smores, tell some scary or not so scary stores (depending what the kids like).
Most important, have fun and enjoy your indoor campout!


  1. Wow, that turned out great! I can't wait until my daughter is a bit older and we can start doing projects together! Stopping by from Make My Morning Hop and am now a new follower! I'll definitely be bookmarking my fave projects on you blog! Would love if you coulf follow back!

  2. Wow! That is so neat! We do indoor camp outs all the time and I never thought to make a campfire like this!

    Thank you so much for participating in Sofia's Ideas {Magic of the Mundane}. Can't wait to see what you link up next week! ;0

  3. Such an awesome, easy and imaginative idea! Thanks for sharing.
