Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Healthy Slushy

The other day my daughter and I were in a store walking around, when she starts “MOM LOOK AT THIS!!!”   She found a snow cone maker and said she really wanted it.  Well I told her we did not need to buy that Mommy could make those at home, I thought I could figure out how to make some healthy snow cones and she would just think her mommy was so awesome for making her a special treat.

Well my dreams of grandeur were crushed when one my snow cone looked more like a slushy and two she would NOT even try it.  It reminded me of when I was little and my mom made homemade hamburgers, my sister and I thought she was nuts they were not hamburgers they were way bigger than McDonalds burgers and well they did not taste anything like McDonalds burgers… YUCK!  Well now I prefer homemade vs. McDonalds; but kids like the first thing they taste and my daughter has had snow cones before so I was not fooling her with my healthy treat.

Rest assured that myself and my youngest loved them though, but I will call them a slushy instead of a snow cone they really did not look anything like a snow cone.   So if you don’t have too picky an eater or if your kids like berries you should make this yummy healthy drink for them, hey it is great for a HOT day (which really every day is a HOT day right now!)

1 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup water

 Put a handful of strawberries or blueberries into the blender add ½ tbsp. sugar and ¼ cup water and blend
 Pour into cups (one cup for the strawberry mixture, and one for the blueberry mixture)
 Now put some ice in the blender and blend.
Scoop out ice into cups and pour your berry mixtures on top, add as much or as little berry slushy as you want.

 Now eat and enjoy your yummy cool healthy treat.


  1. This sounds like a great recipe.
    I look forward to reading more of your blog.
    I'm your newest GFC follower.

  2. Great post. I am going to have to try that recipe. I am following you from finding new friends.4

  3. I think a lot of parents would be surprised with how many kids prefer the all natural options rather than the ones loaded with sugar.

    New follower from the blog hop!


  4. We make 2 you might want to try. I is pink lemonade with chopped up Maraschino cherries and the cherry juice just mix lemonade with 1/4 c. water, add the entire bottle of cherry juice and chop the cherries and add and freeze.
    The other is watermelon & strawberries nothing more!

  5. Since I featured you today on It's Playtime, I was inspired to make these. I used honey instead of sugar but they came out super tasty. Thanks for the inspiration and when I blog my version, you are sure to be credited!

  6. Great post. I'm following from Blog HOp till you drop. Please follow back.
