Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We Made That Linky #21

WOW this week has been busy. I have decided that I need to start a todo list so I can remember all the things I need to get done.  Then maybe I wont be so busy trying to remember all the things I need to do.  How do you all manage your time?  Please share because I really need some help here. 

But enough about my lack of time management skills, lets move on to the Linky Party.  There were so many awesome projects shared last week and many new bloggers stopping by to link up.  I have really enjoyed reading all your posts and finding new blogs to follow.  And I want to  Thank you all so much for stopping by and sharing your crafts, projects, and recipes all geared toward kids each week.  I really do love seeing what you all are up to and checking out all of your blogs.  I am now your newest follower. But please remember this is a Linky for KIDS, if your link is not made by or for kids it will be removed from the linky.

And now it is time to see our featured posts from last week.

The Number one clicked on post was the Snowmen Mint Meltaways by Hoopla Palozza

The Most pinned on Pintrest was the Handprint Daisy Shirt by Brighton Park

And my personal favorite the DIY Hairbow Holder by A Humble Creation.  I just love this idea, it solves a big issue for me and harirbows for my little one.  I have so many and can never find the matches because they end up all over the place.  I actually went out this weekend and got all the things I need to make this, so look for the post soon!  And thanks so much Jessica for sharing this much needed project!

If you were featured feel free to grab our featured button on the right.

Now lets get week two underway!
Linky Rules

1.) Follow us, it is only fair if  you are linking up!

2.) Link up Crafts, Recipes, and projects Made by or for Kids

3.) Do not link up Giveaways, Linkys, Hops, or Business.

4.) Visit other links and leave kind comments.

5.) Check back next week to see if you were featured!

To enter the linky just click below to add your post, please link directly to your post not to your blogs home page.

Also feel free to grab our button to spread the word about this linky.  And don't forget to check out the linky's Pintrest page.



  1. Tracey,
    Thanks for featuring my hairbow holder. I'm so glad you liked it and hope it turns out useful for your family as well. So far, so good, the bows have stayed in place. I look forward to seeing your finished product!

    Jessica @ A Humble Creation

    1. Thanks so much for sharing such an awesome idea, and for coming and linking up each week!

  2. Linking up from The Stuff of Success! Have a great day.

    1. Thanks for linking up and you have a great day too!

  3. Thank you for hosting this sweet party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  4. WOOOHOOO! i'm so excited to see my snowmen got the most clicks! THANK YOU so much Tracey for all you do!!! :>D

    1. They are so stinking cute I am not surprised they were the most clicked! Love all your stuff Lisa!!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I linked up my DIY Car Emergecy Kit!

    Refashion Co-op
    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Angel Light Photography by Helen
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog
    The Story of Us: Love...Forever & Always
