Sunday, January 13, 2013

Color Changing Flowers

It has been a while since we did a science experiment so I thought it was about time we did another one.  I tend to get way to caught up in crafting that I forget there are so many fun experiments we can do that teach my kids something too.

This color changing flowers experiment gave me the chance to explain to my 5year old how plants drink water.  She got to watch how the stems absorb the colored water and bring the water to the petals.  Then the petals change color based on the color of dye we used.  She was so excited to see what would happen to the flowers she kept checking them every 10min or so.  I finally had to tell her it would take a few hours and she should go play. 

A word of advice for anyone doing this experiment.  Use a LOT of food coloring.  We actually did this twice because the first time our flowers did not change color.  The second time around we used a lot more food coloring in each jar.  I would say use at least 10 drops per jar, or if you have a bigger jar use more.  I really don't think anything bad could happen from using more so don't be shy with the color.

Food Coloring
White Carnations

Fill your jars with water, then add food coloring to them.  
 Add your flowers to the jars and wait.
In about 24 hours you should start to see color on your flowers.


  1. Hi Tracey,
    Thanks for sharing this project at the link party at A Humble Creation today. What a great idea! I remember doing this as part of a science fair in elementary school, but had kinda forgotten. I'm going to pin this to remind me to do with the kids. And my favorite part of the post is the look of delight on your daughter's face!

    1. Thanks, she thought this was just the coolest thing. I love getting her excited about learning!

  2. Thanks or sharing this, I totally forgot that flowers would absorb food coloring! I love the pic of your little ons face, absolutely adorable!

    1. Thank you! It is a cool project and she just loved it!

  3. Always love your cute projects. This looks like fun!

    1. Awe, thanks. I am glad you enjoy them. We have so much fun doing everything and my daughter just thought this was the coolest thing ever!

  4. I remember doing this as a child and ALWAYS loved it! So fun! Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
    Bethany @ Whistle and Ivy

  5. I did this with my daughter when she was young ( she's 32 now) I love this project. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

    1. It really is a fun project for kids! And thanks for hosting Thursday Favorite Things!

  6. I very vividly remember doing this experiment in school when I was young. Such fun! Thank you for linking up with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thanks for hosting a great hop Kathy! And I am loving that everyone remembers doing this as kids too. Such a fun Experiment!

  7. This is a classic! Thanks for sharing on Eco Kids. I pinned it:

    1. I'm featuring this tomorrow as well!

    2. Thanks for hosting and featuring! I will come over and check it out!

  8. How much fun! I figured those flowers were spray colored. Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me Linky Party.
