Friday, January 18, 2013

Double Heart Cookies

The school my daughter goes to is pretty cool.  Some of the parents get together each month and put together a care cart for the teachers.  The care cart has all kinds of special treats for the teachers from cookies and cakes, to drinks and veggies. 

Every month so far I have been so busy I have not participated in the care cart.  And well after everything these teachers do for my daughter I feel pretty guilty.  I come from a family of teachers and I know that they work their tails off for our kids.  They stay late at night working, they bring home papers to grade, they search the internet on the weekends to come up with fun new ways to teach our kids.

So this month I not only wanted to participate in the care cart but I wanted us to make the teachers a special Valentines day treat.  This way they know we took the time to make them something special and really appreciate all they do.

But you know I could not make just normal cookies and I say this post on Pintrest where she does a cookie inside a cookie to make a double heart and wanted to give it a try.  I however did not use her recipe only her idea.  I used the same sugar cookie recipe as our Sugar Christmas Cookies last year.

Does your school do anything special for it's teachers?

1 ¼ cups granulated sugar
3 cups  all-purpose flour
1 stick butter flavor Crisco
Red Food Coloring
2 eggs
½ tsp salt
¼ cup light corn syrup
¾ tsp baking powder
1 tbs vanilla
½ tsp baking soda
3 cups  all-purpose flour

  In a large bowl beat together sugar and shortening until well blended
  Add eggs, syrup, and vanilla.  Beat until well blended and fluffy
  In separate bowl combine 3 cups flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Add gradually to wet mixture until well blended
 Refrigerate dough for at least 1 hour to overnight.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Remove half of the dough from the refrigerator and put in a separate bowl.  Add Red food color till you have the desired dough color.

 Start by cutting out your hearts with a large heart cookie cutter.
Then using a smaller cookie cutter cut a small heart out of the middle of your big heart. Do this for both the red and the natural cookie dough.
Remove the small hearts from the middle of the big hearts and replace them with the opposite color small hearts.
Bake for 5 to 9 min, until cookies just start to brown on bottoms.
 Enjoy your Double Heart Cookies!


  1. Love your Valentine's cookies! So cute - found you on Diana Ramble's Pin party. Going to pin these!

    1. Thank you! They are yummy and were fun to make!

  2. these are so pretty! what a wonderful idea :)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I just love how they came out! And they taste pretty yummy too!

  3. These are so fun! Great job. I bet the teachers loved them. What a great idea you parents do for the teachers. I work in a middle school. I wish they did that there =o)

    1. I think more parents should do things for the teachers. But it is hard to know how much you all really do unless you know a teacher personally! Thanks for teaching our kids! I wish you taught here then I would bring you cookies too!

  4. These are so cute! I bet they taste so yummy!

    1. Oh they are yummy, so yummy that they were gone in just a matter of days. We saved some for the teachers then we just ate all the rest.

  5. These are adorable!! I bet my daughter would love to make these!

    1. My girls has so much fun making them. They thought it was cool that we put different colored hearts inside other cookies. I am sure your daughter would love it too!

  6. How fun and festive are these?! And your helpers are adorable!!

  7. What an adorable idea! Great for kids to help with. Saw our cookies on I Should be mopping the floor. Would love for you to link to Thursdays Treasures

    1. Thank you! And I will head on over and check it out!

  8. Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Clever Chick’s Blog Hop.

    What a "sweet" idea, if you'll excuse the pun! I'll bet the teachers loved the fact that your dtrs helped make them just as much as the cookies themselves.

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

    1. I will head over and check it out. Thanks for stopping by and I hope the teachers liked them, we sure did!

  9. Hi Tracey,
    Thanks for linking up these cookies at A Humble Creation. They look delicious! I think we'll be trying them as a treat for teachers and friends at school too. Thanks for taking the time to share your recipe and pictures!

    1. Oh if you do try them let me know how they turn out! And thanks for hosing a great party!

  10. What a cool looks fairly simple to make and since we love making sugar cookies at our house, we will definitely have to try this! Thanks for sharing.

    I found you at the Clever Chick's blog hop.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I have to say your American Flag cookies are AWESOME! What a clever idea!

  11. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again! My girls and I will have fun making these.

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thanks so much for hosting each week. I love your hop!

  12. This is a wonderful recipe and idea to make valentine cookies! Found your blog at mom on time out vanilla link up! I am new follower also!

    1. Thanks Pamela! I just love how these cookies turned out.

  13. I found you from Adorned From Above. These are so cute, I had to pin this to my Valentine Pinterest board. Read my post about Easter:

  14. These look so good and are adorable. Thanks so much for sharing at Wednesday's Adorned From Above Blog Hop 36.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
    Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
    Nichi @ The Mandatory Mooch

  15. Awww these are so cute! Love the double heart, great idea!

  16. Your little helpers are so cute, lovely cookies!

  17. How fun & the cookies look yummy. Visiting from

  18. These are so cute! I love the idea. It looks like your kids really enjoyed them too!!

    I'm a new follower to your blog. I found you over @ Serenity You in a feature post. I blog over @ Country Life with a Front Porch View. Hope you'll stop by and visit my place sometime!

    Demi @

  19. cute cookies, yummy treats but best of all is the care cart. What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

    1. I know, I think it is so great that this school does that and I really want to participate in it each month. I am already thinking of some yummy treats we can make for next months!

  20. Cute & yummy looking cookies!!!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  21. Tasty and pretty! Just letting you know I featured it on The Sunday Showcase:

    1. Thanks so much for featuring them! I put your button on our feature page!

  22. Hi Tracey,
    Thank you so much for linking with my Wednesday Adorned From Above Blog Hop last week. We have listed your posting as one of our featured links for this week.

    You can grab the featured blogger button in the sidebar.

    Thank you again for participating, and the link party is opened for this week.

    Debi and Charly

    1. WOW thanks so much for featuring our cookies! And I grabbed your button! Thanks again!

  23. These are so cute!!! I loved the pics with your little girls cutting them!
    I am going to pin them! Found you at Debi's Blog Hop!
    Happy Valentines's!

  24. So cute and yummy too! Thanks so much for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!

    Hope to see you again next week!
