Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Made That Linky #58

I really appreciate you all coming and linking up each week, but please remember this is a linky for KID FRIENDLY ITEMS!!  I know a lot of you do other things besides kid projects, but please only share your kid friendly items here.  THANKS!!!
And now it is time to see our featured posts from last week.

The Number one clicked on post was the Farm Montessori trays by Gift of Curiosity
Here are a few of my favorites from last week that you should check out!

Halloween spider headband by Make it Easy Crafts

Monsters University = monstrously delicious bites by Juggling Food, Family & Chaos

If you were featured feel free to grab our featured button on the left.

Now lets get week two underway!
Linky Rules

1.) Follow us, it is only fair if  you are linking up!

2.) Link up Crafts, Recipes, and projects Made by or for Kids

3.) Do not link up Giveaways, Linkys, Hops, or Business.

4.) Visit other links and leave kind comments.

5.) Check back next week to see if you were featured!

To enter the linky just click below to add your post, please link directly to your post not to your blogs home page.

Also feel free to grab our button to spread the word about this linky.  And don't forget to check out the linky's Pintrest page.


  1. thanks for the party Tracey! have a fun day :)

    1. Thanks for linking up Lisa, I just love seeing what you are up too!

  2. Good Morning,
    Thank you for hosting ! I love getting new ideas for making great crafts & projects with my son!

    I am one of your newest followers via twitter. I would love if you could visit me

    1. So glad you joined us and are a new follower! I am now following you too!

  3. Hey! I work with Kinsey.. Your cousin! She told me about your blog!
    I blog over at
    I'm gonna snag your button because I adore your blog!

    1. That is so awesome Nicole! Your blog is great, I am following you now too!

  4. LOL, same here it is only kid stuff. And I just adore your dress, and that hat is awesome!!!

  5. Thanks so much for featuring my spider headband and thanks for such a fun party every week! :-)
