Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Halloween Toss Game

Halloween Toss Game

We do a lot of crafts and baking for Halloween, but this year I wanted to do some fun games too.  That is why I thought this toss game would be fun.

My original plan for this game was to play it after Halloween.  I will put all my girls candy in the different baskets and then they can play the game to win their candy to eat for the day.  This way they can have fun playing the game and maybe we wont have a fight over them not being able to eat all the candy in one shot.

However after thinking about it for a while I thought this would also be a great game for a Halloween class party or just a Halloween party.  My girls both had so much fun playing this over the weekend (we had to try out the game) that I thought the whole class would have fun playing this.  And if you did not want to give the kids all a bunch of candy you could fill the baskets with toys for the kids to win.

We got all the supplies for this game at the dollar store.  They had a few different types of Halloween baskets to choose from if you don't like the ones we used.  And I also found the "balls" we used, they aren't really balls they were little Halloween cups with big plastic straws in them.  I just pulled the straws out and now they are perfect for out game!

How to play the Game

Fill each basket with different candy or toys for the kids to win.  If you want mark an area with string, or tape to be the throwing line (we did not do this since we played with a 6 yr old and a 2yr old it would not have been fair since the little one could not throw as far).

Have the kids stand in front of the baskets or on the line and toss their ball in the baskets.  If they make it into a basket they can pick a prize from the basket.  If they do not get it in they can shoot again, or you can have another basket with a consolation prize for them to pick from.

4 Halloween Baskets (we got ours at the dollar store)
2 Balls  (we used plastic Halloween cups and took the straw out)
Candy (or toys)

 Fill your baskets with candy or toys
Halloween Game
 Line them up in a row and give each kid a ball 
(they can share the balls too)
Halloween Game
 Let them toss the balls into the baskets, which ever basket they get their ball in they can pick a treat out of that basket.
Halloween Game
The kids will have a blast trying to get the ball in the basket with the treat they want!


  1. That's a cute idea! I think people could even put it together with what they already have if there's no time to shop for the cute things you found!

  2. That is super cute. I love the idea of using it to pace out candy consumption!

  3. Love this idea -- everyone wins something! PInned it!

  4. Great idea! You have your party going already! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Fluster Buster Party Lizy your party co host

  5. How Cute! My kids would love this. Thanks for sharing at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
    Sew Crafty Angel

  6. Cool game! I will have to try this one day when I have a party. :-)

  7. love this! feel free to post on the Fall Crafts Blog Hop today! http://www.sugartot.net/my-blog/2013/10/fall-crafts-blog-hop.html

  8. This is really cute idea and could be adapted to any party or holiday. We normally do carnival style games for Halloween parties and this would be perfect. ~Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.

  9. Hi Tracey,
    What a simple and great little game for kids. Thank you for sharing it. It will be featured on this week's Thumping Thursdays Blog Hop. I look forward to seeing you back.


  10. Thanks for linking up at All Things Pretty. I always love to see what you create.

  11. Thank you for linking up with the Hearts for Home Blog Hop last week. Your post has been selected to feature on Thursday's Blog Hop link up over at Monsters Ed Homeschool Academy! Congratulations :) Please remember to grab our "I was Featured" button to share on you post.


  12. Fun! Love the concept = avoid candy mayhem, lol. Reminds me of Bozo buckets. Found you over at Craft-o-maniac.

    Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty

  13. Very fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  14. Such a cute idea! I featured this post on http://sowsproutplay.com/activities/ten-halloween-activities-for-tots/

  15. What a fun idea. We're featuring your post on Share It Saturday this week over at Sugar Aunts. Thanks for linking up!

  16. Your Halloween ideas are great. We are celebrating Halloween at Saturday Dishes. You should bring this clever ideas over.

    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa
