Friday, March 8, 2013

Sock Puppets

So the other day out of nowhere my oldest daughter told me she wanted to make sock puppets.  I figure she must have seen them on TV or something because I have never mentioned them.  But no matter she wanted to make them and well I am pretty much up for any craft my big girl wants to make (mostly because it means I did not have to come up with the idea myself). 

We did however have to wait a couple days for me to get to the store and buy some white socks.  I really did not want to use a stinky pair of my husbands and well the ones he uses have marking on the feet anyway which would have gotten in the way of our cute puppets.  So I had to go buy a few pairs for this project.   All the other supplies I pretty much had in my craft stash already.

This was my first time making sock puppets since I was a kid and when I talked to my daughter about what she wanted to make she said a cat and a dog so that is what we did.  I did however make my little ones puppet into a snake because it was easier and well she was not sitting still for the gluing process so it had to be quick. 

I glued everything onto the socks while on our hands it made it much easier to figure out where everything should go.  The socks were thick enough to keep the heat from the glue off our hands so no worries about burning the kids here.  I also cut out all the ears and tongues for the girls out of the felt paper.  No pattern needed here just free hand it; they don’t have to be perfect. 

Feel free to get creative and make any other animals you want or you can even use yarn for hair and make people puppets.  Your imaginations can run wild with this project.  And although you don’t need to color the socks at all I let the girls color and them before we glued our faces on that way they could let their creative juices flow.

White Socks
Felt Paper
Googly Eyes
Pom Poms
Pipe Cleaners
Glue Gun

To make a cat or dog puppet cut out your ears, and tongue from the felt paper.  Then lay them out with the rest of your face so you know where to glue everything on your sock.

Before you glue anything onto your sock make sure you color it if you choose using your markers.
Then put your sock on so you know where the mouth will be and start by gluing your eyes and nose then ears and finally the tongue.   

If making a cat (like below) cut your pipe cleaners in half then glue them on the sock by your nose.

If making a snake all you will need is the googly eyes and a felt tongue

Once they are all put together play and have fun with your new puppets!
 My oldest wanted a cat and a dog puppet so we made her both. My little one was just happy with her snake.


  1. How fun, Tracey! The girls (and the puppets) look adorable! We haven't made these in a long while either. Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing at A New Creation link party!

    1. Thanks for hosting Jessica! We all sure had fun with these!

  2. So fun an brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  3. Great job! When they make their own toys, I think they play with them longer.

    1. Oh I agree they really appreciate them more when they make it them selves!

  4. So beautiful! Simple yet always fun! I haven't introduced my little one to the simple joy of sock puppets yet, however you've motivated me!

    1. Oh so glad we motivated you! That just makes my day!

  5. Awesome! I love it when kids lead the way into fun and creative projects.

  6. So cute! I love that your daughter was asking to make them, so crafty already:) Thanks for sharing at Share it Saturday!

  7. Adorable! I once saw a sock puppet show in Chicago that was "Showgirls" done by sock puppets! It was hilarious!

  8. Oh, so cute!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  9. Darling puppets! Thanks for linking to Share It Saturday.

  10. So very cute!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday. I featured your puppets today! Please come join us again!

  11. I will have to try this with my three girls at home , I think the puppets look really cool !!!
