Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Made That Linky #2

Last week was our very first linky party and I was so happy with the turn out.  Thank you all so much for sharing your crafts, projects, and recipes all geared toward kids.  I know I got some great ideas for things to make and do with my kids from the posts and I even made one of the recipes shared already … and my girls LOVE IT!!

The Number one clicked on post was Activity Board and Figures by Once Upon A Sewing Machine

The Number one RePinned post from our Linky Pintrest Board was DIY Hot Air Balloon  by Smart School {House}
And my personal favorite, which I made for my girls and they LOVED is the Funfetti Pancakes by Cheerios & Lattes

If you were featured feel free to grab our featured button under Submissions or grab our linky button below.

Now lets get week two underway!

Linky Rules

1.) Link up Crafts, Recipes, and projects Made by or for Kids

2.) Do not link up Giveaways, Linkys, Hops, or Business.

3.) Visit other links and leave kind comments.

4.) Check back next week to see if you were featured!

To enter the linky just click below to add your post, please link directly to your post not to your blogs home page.

Also feel free to grab our button to spread the word about this linky.  And don't forget to check out the linky's Pintrest pag.


  1. Hello! Visiting from the blog hop social 39! Happy to follow your blog... Come sy hi on mine when you get a chance! ;) looking forward to reading your posts!
    Take care!
    S.O.S. Mom

  2. Thanks for inviting me over - Have a great week. Athena www.thestuffofsuccess.com

  3. I'm so glad you found me, I added the link for Astronaut Energy Bars. They are SO super easy, my son helped, they were for his class. Now following you as well!

  4. Just stopping by to follow you and link up.


  5. newest follower from new friends hop - here's my blog http://practialliving.blogspot.com/

  6. Thanks for inviting me to the party! Linked up the DVD case Doodle pad.
