Monday, August 27, 2012

Ham & Cheese Crescent Pockets

Since school started 2 weeks ago, I have been trying to come up different yet yummy stuff to put in my daughters lunch.  She has gotten so picky this past year I am finding it VERY hard to find anything she likes to eat.  And my go to lunch Peanut butter and jelly is out since some of the kids at school have a peanut allergy (which is totally cool, I would hope if my daughter had an allergy everyone would help to keep her safe and not bring in things she is allergic too). 

So here is my dilemma, what can I put in her lunch that she can eat cold and that well she will eat…. Not many options.  That is when I thought about making her some ham & cheese crescent pockets for lunch.  Over the weekend I got all my supplies (um, only 3 ingredients my kind of recipe) and last night I set out to make them.  I made my hubs and I a very healthy low carb dinner that I knew would be a total fight to get my daughter to eat, so I decided to let the girls eat the crescent pockets for dinner instead (and this way I could make sure she liked them). 

These were very easy to put together and both girls loved them... SCORE!!!  My oldest (you know the one who is my picky eater) ate 2 for dinner and then wanted a third.  However I cut her off at 2 and let her eat some fruit instead.  I did serve them to both girls cold, that way I could make sure she would like them cold in her lunch.  I am so excited about this lunch; the possibilities are endless for these crescent pockets.  I have made them for dinner and she loved them then too, so now I will have to really start experimenting with different things for her lunch! 

1 packages crescent rolls
16 slices ham lunch meat
8 slices cheese


Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  Separate crescent rolls and stretch to make a little larger (see the difference in size in the picture).
 Place 2 slices of ham then 1 folded slice of cheese on the crescent
 Fold the ham around the cheese
 ld the crescent dough around your ham & cheese.  You want to make sure it is wrapped up good so the cheese does not melt out when you bake.
 Place the crescent rolls onto a baking sheet and bake for 11 to 12 min.
 Once done let cool for a min or two before you serve.  Or let cool completely and serve cold for school lunches!


  1. We make those too and the kiddies absolutely love them. I'm popping by to visit from Katherine's linky!

  2. Oh, how fun and yummy looking! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  3. These look tasty! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  4. Yummy and so much better than those frozen pocket things. Thank you for sharing your lovely post at the Thursday favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party xo

  5. Found you through the "made u look linky". These look delicious, thanks for sharing :)

    Carly @

  6. Great idea! I am totally buying the supplies to make this next week for lunch, soo easy and soo delicous. Plus you can use whatever filling you like really :)
