Monday, April 16, 2012

Recycled Egg Snake

What do you do with all those plastic Easter Eggs after Easter?  In the past I have saved them for the following year, which is great so I don’t have to keep buying them.  But we go to the towns Easter Egg Hunt each year and our Plastic egg supply is getting pretty big. 

So this year I decided I did not want to save them all, we just had too many.  But I hate throwing things away so I figured we better make something out of them.  And since Easter is over I did not want to make anything Easter like so we decided to do a snake.  After all the top of an Easter egg actually looks like a snake head doesn’t it?

Plastic Easter Eggs (any number will work, the more you have the bigger the snake)
Fishing Line
Googly Eyes
Read Foam Sheet

Separate the egg bottoms from the egg tops.
Now thread your fishing line into one of the bottom eggs and tie it on the inside of the egg (see picture)
Thread all the bottom parts of the eggs first, with your fishing line going in the left hole then the right hole (this will keep your snake even).
Once all the bottom pieces are threaded start with the top pieces, the first one should match up with the last bottom piece so that you can close the egg.
 Just like the bottom pieces thread all the top parts with the line going in the left then the right hole.
For you last one you will tie it just like the bottom one.
  Now glue the last egg to the 2nd egg.  Then glue on your eyes and tong (cut it out from the foam paper).
Once glue dries just play and have fun with your new Snake toy!


  1. This little guy could not be cuter! Not to mention eggs are all cheap cheap cheap right now, so you could make a few! Great thinking! I would love it if you would link up to my debut Sweet Sharing Monday!

  2. Adorable idea! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. This is a such cute idea. I have hundreds of those eggs; I think I'll pull them out of the closet and give this a try! Adorable blog- I found you on the "hop". You can find me at

  4. What a fun way to use those plastic eggs! Great thinking! I'm sharing it on my FB page tonight. Thanks for joining the Earth Day Challenge!

  5. Oh my goodness I hope my menopause memory remembers this sweet craft. Love it. Thank you for linking to the Thursday hop. xo

  6. Wow! This is so creative! I love it! My kids would love this too! How fun! I am new on here, found you on Blissful and Domestic. I would love it if you stopped y my blog too!

  7. So clever and fun. I just linked this up to the Pomp Party Board on pinterest. Thanks for linking up again this week:)

  8. So fun! Thank you for sharing this with our spring carnival. :)

  9. So clever and what a great way to keep them busy! This is super cute! I like the Easter egg wreath too! Wish I had looked at your blog when it was still Easter time....say, would you like to be featured as an Up-and-Coming blog on my blog next month? I choose 1 blog each month that has 200 followers or less and talk about how awesome they are. Let me know! I'll be posting this month's blog-of-the-month next week.

  10. Thanks Jessica! I am so glad you liked this and the wreath. I would love to be featured in your up and coming blog post. Just let me know what you need from me. And thanks Again!
