Saturday, April 14, 2012

Earth Day Jello Jigglers

I know Earth Day is in a week and when I started to try and think of projects to do for it I could not help but want to make a dessert.  My girls love treats and well can you believe I have never made jello jigglers with them?  So today was the day we had to give it a try. 

Since these are for Earth Day we did Blue and Green Jello.  And I wanted them to look like an Earth so we mixed them.  Very similar to how you would do Layered Jello.  My oldest just loved these and I don’t think they will actually last till Earth Day but well I kind of figured they would not. 

2 packs green jello
2 packs blue jello
4 cups boiling water

 Pour the 2 packs of green jello in a bowl and then add 2 cups boiling water.  Stir till jello is dissolved.
 Pour jello into a 9x13 pan and put in fridge till set.
 Once Jello is set cut in to small cubes and transfer to another 9x13 dish.
 In a clean bowl pour 2 packs of blue jello and then add 2 cups boiling water.  Stir till jello is dissolved. Then add 2 or 3 ice cubes to cool it a little.
 Pour the blue Jello on top of the green cubes.  Put in fridge till set.
 Once set you can eat as is or cut into shapes.  I thought I had a circle cookie cutter but could not find it so we used a glass to cut ours into circle shapes (after all the Earth is round).
Serve and enjoy!


  1. This is so cute! I actually had been thinking of doing this before I saw this post!! it looks just as cute as I imagined :)

  2. Thank Michelle! You know what they say great minds think alike. And I just have to say I LOVE your blog, what cute ideas you have!

  3. What a brilliant idea! It's my son's birthday Saturday too so may just try this. I did my Earth Day post Saturday too :O)

  4. so cool! I have to do this with the kiddos!
