Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Coffee Filter Butterfly

Since we were already playing with food coloring in our last post I thought why not make some butterflies too.  My little one even got to participate in this one.  She gets so excited when she can do projects too.

We made some of the normal one coffee filter butterflies but I wanted to try a two coffee filter butterfly and well I really like how it turned out.  I think it looks way more like a butterfly than the single coffee filter ones.  So you can choose which ones you want to make.

We dyed our filters one night then came back to them a couple days later to actually make our butterflies.  In that time my daughter got her hair cut, super cute right?  She told the hair stylist what she wanted this time, how did she get so big to be able to do that.  They just grow way too fast.  Okay enough about my babies here is what you need and how to make your butterflies


Coffee filters
Food color
Pipe cleaners
Eye droppers

Start by mixing your food color in some water.  The more food color you use the darker the color on your coffee filters.
 Using some eye droppers apply the dyed water to your filters.  No pattern just get the whole filter wet.

Now set the filters aside to dry
 Once dry for a single filter butter fly, bring one end of the filter to the other end and wrap a pipe cleaner around it a couple times.  Then twist the pipe cleaner so it does not open and leave the extra ends up for the anti.
For the two filter butterfly bring two filters together and just like above bring the ends together for both filters and wrap your pip cleaner around both filters.  Then twist the pipe cleaner so it does not open and leave the extra ends up for the anti.
 Now just play and have fun with all your new butterflies.


  1. The butterflies came out great. I love the pictures, especially the one of your daughter playing with the butterfly. She is clearly enjoying herself.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  2. This spring our theme will be 'Flying Away Home' or 'When Pigs Fly'. Part of the plans are decorating the reading area with anything that is in flight. The butterflies will be such a wonderful addition to the birds we are currently making. Thanks

  3. Love the idea of connecting fine motor skill development with a classic craft! Very fun project -- thanks for linking up at Discover & Explore.
