Friday, August 17, 2012

Wave Sensory Bottle

WOW, what a week we have been having.  My oldest started Kindergarten a couple days ago (why do they start school on a Wednesday and not a Monday?) and my schedule got turned upside down again.  We were lucky though my husband was away this week for work, but he made a surprise visit home Tuesday night so he could be there for our babies first day of school.  Of course then he had to leave right after but he will be home tonight and my daughter was so happy her daddy was here for that special day!

Okay now back to crafting!  We made this cool wave sensory bottle to help entertain my little on in the car on our long drive to the family reunion last weekend.  I have to say that this bottle is really cool; it is neat to see the oil and the water separate.  We added some glitter to ours (I mean who does not like glitter right?) but you don’t have to add that too yours.

This bottle really helped to keep her entertained for a while in the car and well sensory bottles are great for long trips because they don’t take up too much room and can be very entertaining.  So if you have a long trip coming up make a few and let the kids have fun with them.

Sensory bottles are also great to have around the house too, for the same reasons they are great for car rides.  I save all the ones we have made and take them out every now and then to keep the kids entertained.

Water Bottle
Blue Food Color
Baby Oil

 Fill  your water bottle half full with water then add a couple drops of blue food color to the water, shake to mix them together.
Pour enough baby oil into the bottle to fill the bottle ¾ a way full (you do not want the bottle to be full).
 If you are adding glitter add it now.
Now put some glue on the bottle cap then secure it on the bottle tightly (this will help to ensure no leaks).
Once glue is dry, give the bottle to the kids for some sensory fun!

Even my oldest enjoyed playing with it!


  1. following your blog thru the naptime review mom's monday mingle! i hope you will have time to check out my blog! xo!

  2. wonderful! thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite things hop xo

  3. Oh, how fun!! We will have to give this a try. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  4. Just wanted to let you know I featured you today or at least linked back since I made my daughter one. Thanks again for sharing with us at Sharing Saturday!!
