Monday, August 20, 2012

Rice Art

Last year at the fair, my daughter got to try Sand Art for the first time.  She really liked it and had fun making her design.  So I have wanted to do that again with her and with my littlest one.  However I knew if I got out a bunch of sand, I would have sand all over my house.  So the sand art idea just stayed in the back of my mind without much thought about it.  That is until I thought of doing it with Rice instead. 

I know brilliant right?  Yes I did get some rice on the floor and on the table but it is a TON easier to clean up than sand.  And since you can actually see every piece of rice you know you got it all and it does not get tracked around the house.  I should have thought of this months ago, because the girls had a blast doing there art. 

My husband even got involved in this project and helped to hold the funnel in place for my little one.  She did not really make hers by color she just king of threw whatever she could in the bottle but she had so much fun doing it.  And truth be told using the rice made it a ton easier for her, she ended up using her hands to put the rice in the bottles which she would have had a very hard time doing with sand.

White Rice
Food Color
Rubbing Alcohol
Water Bottle


Put your rice in different baggies (one bag for each color you want)
 Add 1 to 2 TBS (depending on how much rice you have) of Rubbing Alcohol to each bag 
 Now add a couple drops of food coloring to each bag, you can add more food color to get the colors you want, also feel free to mix colors to get different colors.
 Seal and shake the baggies so all the rice gets dyed.
 Put your rice on paper towels to dry out
 Once your rice is dry use a funnel to pour your rice into bottles 
 Enjoy your beautiful art piece.  


  1. I'm really enjoying looking at all of your projects! This one is a great one! I've done it with pasta too. All the best - Monica

  2. Bless their cotton socks! They look like they are having a lovely time. What sweet craft and art!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  3. That is a fun idea! I love how the kids were involved in coloring the rice. We will have to try this too. The babies loved making your paper plate tambourines too. Thank you for linking to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  4. That's a good idea and more clean to play with. Sweet girls are happy playing with them and creative. Have a good day.
    Terrie from Hong Kong

  5. Love this idea - Amen to it being easier clean up than sand!

  6. Oh, how fun and pretty!! I love it! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  7. What a great idea!!!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)
