Monday, April 2, 2012

Make your own Garden Turtle

I am so excited about this next project.  It turned out so cute, I think we will be making these for my mother in law and mom for mother’s day (mom if you read this please forget that last part!). 

We have really been working in the yard and garden so much that I have been thinking of all kinds of things to make for them.  If you are looking for something to put in your garden or to make for Mother’s day as a gift this is perfect.  It is a very easy craft and does not cost much to make at all.  And if you don’t like the gems on the garden turtle you can leave it without or add something else, really the possibilities are endless.

Terracotta flower pot base in 3 sizes
2 shades of green paint
Strong glue
Googly eyes
5 Rocks

 Start by paining all your bases and rocks.  
 Once paint dries glue the bases together to form your turtles back.
Glue your googly eyes onto one of the rocks for the head of the turtle, then glue head and legs onto bottom base.
 Decorate your turtle with the gems, or you can paint it or leave it as it is.
Once the glue dries it is ready for your garden.
My Daughter is so proud of her turtle!

What is your favorite Spring time activity?  Mine is gardening can you tell ;) 


  1. That is just too cute, and has a lot of whimsy to it! Found you through Made In a Day's blog hop!

    Jessica, your newest Facebook follower

  2. Hi, Visiting from Make My Morning Hop! :)

    Those look so adorable. I'd love to try these out with my kids. You have a wonderful website.

    Cheers, Renee

  3. This turtle is fabulous! What a great project idea for Spring! Just posted on Craft Gossip:)

  4. Okay that is too cute! Thank you for your bloggy friendship and for participating in the hop. xo

  5. What a fantastic turtle! Thanks so much for sharing this with our spring carnival. :)

  6. awesome! I need more garden art and this is perfect. Shhh don't tell the hubby I need more terra cotta supplies.
