Thursday, September 5, 2013

Homemade Cat Treats

Last year my daughter wanted to make Dog Treats for the therapy dog at school.  So this year when she came home and wanted to make some cat treats, because her Teacher has a cat I should not have been surprised.

Apparently my daughter got to talking to her teacher about Buddy (my daughters cat) and her teacher told her about her cat.  So they bonded over their mutual cat love, and my daughter thought it would be nice to make her cat some yummy treats.  Of course our cats would get some too and be the taste testers.

Since I have never made cat treats before I hit the web looking for recipes and found this one at Design Sponge.  I had all the ingredients the recipe called for so I thought why not lets give it a try. My older cats seemed to get drunk off the treats, I guess the catnip got to them.  They both rolled around the floor and gave me the drunk stare.  Buddy, my daughters cat who is only about a year old just gobbled them up.  He even tried to break into the bag I put the treats in.

My daughter is bringing the treats to her teacher today and I sure hope her cat enjoys them. 

5oz Can Tuna
1 Cup Oatmeal (made into flour)
1 Egg
1 TBS Olive Oil
1 TBS Catnip
Parchment Paper

Preheat oven to 350 and line cookie sheet with parchment paper
 Put your oatmeal into food processor and blend to make it more like a flour
 Add everything else to the food processor and blend till mixed well
 Roll your dough into balls and place on cookie sheet.
Smash your balls and cut into quarters (could probably cut into smaller pieces if you want)
Bake for 10-12 minutes.
 Once cooled give to your kitties!
 Our older cats seemed to get a little drunk off the catnip in the treats.
My daughters cat Buddy just Gobbled them up as fast as she gave them to him!


  1. What a wonderful recipe! You always see dog treats but never cat treats. My dad has a lot of cats. So I am going to make them some. Please tell your daughter she is very kind to think of animals and their want for treats! It was a warming post.

    1. Thanks Angela, she just loves animals and I will tell her!

  2. hey i never ever made pet treats-how fun would that be? and your daughter is soooo cute and thoughtful :>D thanks for sharing at the Kids in the Kitchen party and for your ultra-nice ultra-sweet comment Tracey!

    1. Oh I would love to see what you do with pet treats Lisa! And I am glad you are co-hosting, You make the best treats and have such an awesome imagination!

  3. Nice!! I wonder if I could use canned chicken in place of tuna?

    1. Oh I bet you could. Give it a try and let us know how it turns out!

  4. I'm totally going to share this with my friend! She has kitties and is always looking for stuff like this! :) I make dog treats all the time, but don't have kitties. Wish I did and I'd make this too :)

    Thanks for linking up this week to Bloody Marys Count as a Salad!

    1. Thanks so much for hosting! And I hope your friends kitties enjoy the recipe!

  5. Great post! I have made dog treats before but never even seen a recipe for cat treats! I would love for you to come share at my From the Farm Blog Hop. We're trying to reach 300 linkups this week and we're almost there!
    Fresh Eggs Daily

  6. I have 2 cats and they love treats! I will make this for them for sure! Thanks for sharing this fantastic idea for our pet companions at Fluster Buster Party! Please join us again, next week!, Lizy party co host

  7. I have GOT to try these! Our cat is always mad when I make dog treats!! ;-) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  8. Great post! I hate to buy cat treats because of all the crap that goes into them but my cat loves them so I will have to try this sometime and see how my three fur babies like them :)
