Thursday, August 22, 2013

DIY Washer Necklace

Since school started last week, I thought it would be fun for my daughter to make some pretty necklaces to wear to school and maybe give a couple to her friends. I got the idea for making these here on the Parents website. When I told her what I was thinking she was so excited. I went to the store and bought some bright nail polish colors that were on sale (end of season sales are AWESOME!).  And then the girls started painting the washers.

I have to say that I thought this was going to be a pretty neat and clean project.  I did not put the girls in their paint clothes because I thought with the small nail polish brushes we would not be making much of a mess..... BOY WAS I WRONG!  My little one had nail polish all over.  Since she is only two I should have figured as much oh well lesson learned.  I only got the one picture of her making these because I ended up having to strip her down so she did not ruin her clothes.  The kids has talent though and even got the polish in her hair.  I was so worried we would never get it out but it came out no problem in the bath so that is good news.

Both girls had to wear their new washer necklaces to school and daycare the next day, and my oldest had a blast passing out a few to her friends.  She even came home and said that she had more friends that wanted them so we needed to make more.  Since they were so cheap and easy to make we just may have to make these for a party to pass out or something.  We could do black and orange for Halloween and red and green for Christmas.  The possibilities are endless!

Washer (any size will work, you can get them at the hardware store)
Nail Polish (any color you like!)
Hair Dryer (optional)

Paint your washers with nail polish.  You will need to do one side and when dry flip and do the other side.  NOTE:  You may need more than one coat of polish
To speed up the drying time you can use a hair dryer to blow them dry.
Once the washers are all painted and dry, use a different color nail polish to decorate them. 
Measure the length of craftlace you want depending on how long you want the necklace to be.
Then tie the end together, double or tripling the knot is okay and preferred!
Put the opposite of the tied end through the washer hole
Then bring it back around and through the craftlace again to secure the washer onto it.
This is how it should look when done.
Now just slip on your new Cool, Awesome, Rad Jewelry!
You can decorate them any way you want.  It is hard to go wrong here and they look great no matter what you do to them. 


  1. Darling little girls and a perfect project for them! These would be great as a slumber party craft - paint your toes AND a necklace to take home - I know I would have loved that!

    1. Oh I love the slumber party idea! It would be great for that!

  2. That's really a cute idea! I know my girls would love that! :)

  3. Cute for party favors too! Thanks for sharing

    1. Oh that is a great idea! They would make great party favors!

  4. Those are stylish. I bought stone necklaces shaped like that last year. Cute!

    1. My girls sure love them. And my oldest has has to make more to pass out at school, I guess all the girls want them...LOL

  5. What a cute idea!! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
    p.s. I came across your blog from the Blog Hop at

  6. What fun! And as the mom of 2 teen daughters, I hate to let you know that they're almost as messy with nail polish even when they're older. :) Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

    1. LOL, really? I thought they would get less messy in time, oh well I guess I just better get use to it :D

  7. These are so cute. They would be a great craft for a party. Thanks for sharing on Thursdays Treasures. This is a feature this week.

    1. Oh WOW, thanks so much for the feature! And you are right they would be great for a craft party too! This is such a fun project and great for any age!

  8. Absolutely love this! Shared on my G+ page and pinning it. Thanks for sharing at All Things Pretty.

    1. Thanks so much for hosting and for sharing!

  9. Oh man I need to do this for my niece!! Thanks! :) Found my way here through the Creative Muster link party!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you and your niece have fun making them!

  10. Super cute and I love the posing!
    Thanks for linking up at Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned to our group board.

  11. What a fun activity/project!! I love them! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  12. These are so cute. I love them.

    I've featured it on The Sunday Showcase this week:

  13. I loved the girls modelling what they had made. I think this would work as a craft project when my 4 year old granddaughter comes over. She loves doing crafts with me. Thank you.

  14. So cute!!! Great idea and inexpensive.
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