Thursday, August 15, 2013

Disappearing Colors Experiment

My oldest daughter has been wanting to do magic lately.  We went to the library last week and she got a magic book and I found this cool It's Not Magic, It's Science! book.  It is a really cool book and lists tons of experiments that look like magic but are really just science.

And since my oldest is into magic I tought we would have to try a few of these experiments out.  This disappearing colors is one that I thought the girls would think was really cool.  They got to sit and watch as the color in the glass disappeared.

They each picked a color to use for the experiment it ended up being blue and green (you can use any color).  The first thing the girls noticed was that the green glass turned blue.  So we got to turn this into a color mixing lesson too.  We talked about how yellow and blue make green and that the yellow was the first color in the glass to disappear which left only the blue.  I think this would be fun to do with some other colors and see what colors disappear first and what color is left in the glass.

What is happening with this experiment? The bleach is an oxidizer which reacts with the food color, changing the color molecules.   The pigment molecules actually remain but the shapes are changed and they can no longer reflect the light, so it looses it color as a result.

If you like this experiment don't forget to check out all our other Science Experiments, to have more fun with Science!  

Food Color
Eye Dropper

 Add one drop of food color to your glass (any color will work)
 Use your eye droppers to add some bleach to the glass
 Observe what the bleach does.  
(here you see it turned the green water blue)
 Add more bleach if needed and watch as the colors in the glass begin to fade
Observe the water in the glass return to clear


  1. This is awesome, I never knew that. Thanks so much for linking up with the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop. (ImNoHumdrum-Mum)

  2. Aww, how cute of you to be doing things like this with your girls! They are gorg, by the way! Visiting from the blog hop!


  3. That is so totally awesome! How fun. Your girls are ADORABLE! The looks on their faces is priceless!

  4. G'day! LOVE the look on your little one's face, true!
    When fun step by step photos in your blog too!
    Cheers! Joanne
    Viewed as part of Dawn's and Amber's Blog Strut Party

  5. Great experiment and fun to see the looks on their faces.

  6. Definitely adding this to my list! Thanks for sharing, looks fun :-)

  7. What a great idea! My girls will love this "magic" trick! Found you on Sweet Sharing Monday.

  8. Making science cool and fun! Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

  9. Oh, how fun!! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!

  10. Great fun! I will be featuring this on The Sunday Showcase this weekend. Thank you for linking up!
