Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bird House Wind Chime

This year for my mother’s birthday I wanted the girls to make her something special.  They have really been having so much fun making things and they get so proud when they give someone a gift that they actually made.    And since my mom is a big bird fan and has tons of bird houses, I thought it would be nice to make her a special one.

I wanted the birdhouse to be a little different so we made this one into a wind chime in addition to being a birdhouse.   My oldest picked out all the colors and decided that the house should be five different colors.  I was pretty skeptical and was not sure how it was going to turn out, but I really love it now that it is done!  And having the house so many different colors really makes all the decorations on the wind chime part stand out! You will need to help the kids staple the wind chime strings to the house but they can do most of the rest by them selves. 

Giving Grandma her gift!
My oldest daughters birthday is the week after my mothers so we celebrated both together this year and the girls were so excited to give grandma her special gift.  And grandma loved it, she loved it even more because the girls made it special for her.  Homemade gifts are the best!

Wood Bird House
5 Wooden Stars
5 ¾ inch Round Wood Beads
5 Jingle Bells
5 Cow Bells
2 Eyelets
Staple Gun
Hemp String (or other strong string)
Outdoor Craft Paint (in varying colors)
Paint Brushes
5 Nails

 Paint the wooden Stars on one side then set aside to dry.  When dry flip and paint other side.
 Start painting your bird house while the first side of the stars are drying.
 We found it much easier to paint the beads when we put them on a nail that way the kids could hold the end of the nail while they painted them.
 Paint the wooden beads
 Screw your 2 eyelets in to the roof of the house (you can do this by hand)
Then tie your hemp string from one end to the other so you can hang your bird house
 Use your hammer and nail to put a hole in the top of your stars
 String your Stars, beads, jingle bells, and cow bells on too your hemp string.
(we made 5 different strings, and varied where we put each item so none of the strings are the same)
 Use your staple gun to staple the hemp strings to the bottom of the bird house
(we put one in the middle then one on each of the four corners)
 My Proud Girls with their finished project
Now just hang in your tree and listen to the pretty sounds as the wind blows while you wait for the birds to make it their home!


  1. Hi Tracey! Stopping by from "Who Needs A Cape?" and loving this project! My girls are close in age to yours (gauging by the pic), so they would LOVE this project. We enjoy "catering" to our feathered backyard friends so this will be a nice addition for them and us. Thanks so much for sharing at our Super Sunday Linky Party and I hope you'll be back for more linky fun!

    SherryO @
    Not Your Average Super Moms ...

    1. That is great that our girls are close in age! And I am sure yours will have as much fun with this as mine did. And thanks so much for hosting an awesome party!

    2. Sherry chose your link as her pick of the week at our SUPER SUNDAY link party! CONGRATS! Stop over this week and link up, we love friends who stop by each week!

      Who Needs A Cape?
      Not Your Average Super Moms!

  2. Thanks so much for the invite I linked up!

  3. this is wonderful! thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Hop. xo

  4. I love the colors and grandma looks thrilled. What a fun project.

  5. How cute! I love the colors and those smiling faces. :) THanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend.

  6. Your mom looks so happy with her gift. How special that your girls are learning the treasure that is a handmade gift. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

  7. Oh,what a fun gift!! My daughter would love to make one of those. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
