Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentine Cat Box


I'll be honest, I was not going to do a Valentines box this year.  I was not sure what to make and well I just did not want to do one.  Then the other day my oldest brought home her homework and it was to make a Valentines box to hold all the valentines she gets from her friends from school... Sigh.  So I set out to figure out what we were going to make.

I finally decided that we could make an animal box.  So I asked my daughter what she wanted to make and of course she wanted to do a cat.  She got a new kitten a few months ago and well everything is all about cats now.  So I designed a cat template and today we set out to make our box.

I actually love the way it turned out, and it was super easy (well after I designed the template it was).  So if any of you need to make a last minute Valentine holder then this will be perfect.  We did it in less than an hour so it is quick easy and super cute!

Cat Pattern
Cereal Box
Wrapping Paper (red, pink, or white)
Construction paper (the color you want your cat to be)
Google Eyes
Three Pipe Cleaners


Print out the template and then cut it out.  
 Cut the top off your cereal box and then wrap it to cover the box.
Trace your cut out template on to the color construction paper you want your cat to be.  We used yellow for the body and pink for ears and nose.
Glue the inner ear (pink) to the Yellow outer ear.
 Now you can glue your cat to the box. Don't forget your googly eyes!
Draw a mouth with your Sharpie and then poke hole where you want your whiskers to go.
Cut your three pipe cleaners in half then put glue on the ends and stick them in the holes.
 For the handle tie three pieces of string together at one end.
 Braid the string to make it thicker and stronger.  then put holes on the sides of the box and put your string through and tie a big knot to hold it in place.

Once your wiskers are dry, you can use your sharpie to draw lines for the toes.  Then decorate your box with stickers.
Now you are ready to collect Valentines from your friends!


  1. What a cute idea!


    I am a new follower who has found you through a blog hop. It would make me very happy if you followed me back as well at

    Enzie Shahmiri

    1. Thanks Enzie! I will head on over and check out your blog!

  2. How adorable!! What a fabulous Valentines idea :) Thanks so much for sharing at Super Saturday Show & Tell today... I'm so glad you came to party with me!! Please come back again next week :) xoxo~ Ruthie

    1. Thanks Ruthie! Thanks for hosting and I will be back next week!

  3. I love your project. It's so cute and fun! I'm your newest follower from the Meet & Greet Blog Hop. I hope you will check out my page too!

    Amy @ The Stitchin' Mommy

    1. Thanks! I will head on over and check out your blog Amy!

  4. That's darling! And your little girl looks so happy!

    1. Thank you! She is so excited to bring this to school and show her friends!

  5. So cute! Thanks for sharing at A Humble Creation! Aren't cereal boxes wonderful for crafts? We currently have several covered in wrapping paper cut to magazine file shape to hold paperback books.

    1. Jessica that is a great idea for them. I bet you could stack them and make a pretty magazine rack. What a great idea! Love recycled crafts!

  6. really cute! I am new from the blog hop.

  7. That is really cute! My youngest has a dentist appointment on Valentine's day, and she will be missing her class party. This would be great to send on Wednesday.

    Thanks for the great idea!

    1. Your Welcome! I hope she gets lots of Valentines, since she has to go to the dentist!

  8. Thanks for the cute idea and for dropping by What'd You Do This Weekend? on Tumbleweed Contessa.

    I'll be following you and that cute little girl. I'm sure she must inspire a lot of ideas. I have two granddaughters and they do that for me.

    Have a sweet week.

    The Contessa (Linda)

  9. So cute! I love the kitty!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  10. That's a really cute cat! My son would love it.

  11. I particularly like the whiskers! Such fun.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  12. It's purrrfect:) Ha Ha Just posted on Craft Gossip!! Great idea:)Happy Valentines day!

  13. Adorable! Thank you so much for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! I hope to see you again tomorrow! Here's the link:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. The cat Valentine's box is absolutely adorable! It is good that your daughter had that assignment or else we all would have missed out!

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

  15. Your Valentine box is adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday! Please join us again today!
