Friday, February 22, 2013

Milk & Soap Experiment

This experiment was pretty fun.  And once again we had to do it a few times because the girls really loved it.  Both girls had fun painting with the q-tip, since the color moves around the milk when you put the q-tip covered with dish soap in the milk.  My oldest thought it was just the coolest thing and would swoosh her q-tip all over the plate at once, where my little one was much more serious about the whole thing mixing just one color at a time. 

The Science behind this is that the milk contains fat and the dish soap dissolves the fat (that is why it is so great at cleaning dishes).  The food color does nothing but make it possible to see this happening.  If you just stuck your soap filled q-tip in the milk without food color you would not see anything change.  However by adding the food color you can see the milk change when the soap touches it.

Over time during the experiment you will notice the movement of the colors slows down.  That is because the soap has now done it's job and removed the fat from the milk.  When this happens you have two options.  Say the experiment is over and clean up, or clean off your plates and do it again.

Another great thing you can do with this experiment is play with color mixing.  Just add red and blue food color and watch it mix and combine to form purple.  Or red and yellow to make orange, blue and yellow to make green.

If you liked this Experiment don't forget to check out all our other Science Experiments.


Milk (Whole or 2%)
Food Coloring
Dawn Dish Soap
Plate with a Lip


Pour Milk onto your plate.
Put a few drops of food coloring around the milk.
Dip your Q-Tip in dish soap.
Dip your Q-tip in the milk and swirl around.
The soap repels the fat in the milk and makes the food color explode around.
This is great for mixing colors too!


  1. Really neat. It makes me laugh because my oldest would do what your oldest did and my youngest is the more serious type too.

    1. LOL, that is funny that your kids are just like mine. I guess if you have more than one then one has to be the serious one and the other the goof ball! Man I love my girls!

  2. Kids will surely enjoy the swirls! Just pinned this! Got you from Diana Rambles Pin Me Linky Party. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I the kids for sure enjoyed the swirls!

  3. We'll have to try this with the mini-meadowfly one of these days! She'll love it!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by to check it out and I hope she enjoys it as much as my little ones did!

  4. Seriously, Tracey, I don't know how you come up with so many wonderful activities! Can't wait to try this one. Thanks for linking it at A New Creation!

  5. O what a fun idea!! I'm going to be pinning a lot of these experiments. I want to start getting my ideas together for our summer activities (Getting a very early headstart!)

    I'm a new follower visiting from A Humble Creation: A New Creation Link Party.

  6. Thanks for reminding me of this one...we had a lot of fun doing this a few months ago. I loved watching the colors swirl!

  7. Wow!
    I've never think about this kind of activity!Must give it a try :)
    MammaNene from

  8. Hoe cute!! I'll have to share this with my sister for her kids.

  9. Cool! Thanks so much for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre! I can't wait to see what you share next time at...

  10. Oh, this looks like a lot of fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  11. What a fun activity! Thanks for sharing on Share it Saturday!
