Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Abe Hat & Beard

Last year was the first year I attempted to explain Presidents day to my oldest daughter.  I decided that it was easiest to just explain about the current president so I told her all about President Obama and we made some fun Obama masks.

This year I decided to tell her about Abraham Lincoln.  He is by far my favorite president, so I wanted to share him with my girls. We talked about slavery and how President Lincoln fought to free the slaves because he knew slavery was not right.  I was explaining to a 5yr old and a 2yr old so I kept it pretty simple but got the point I wanted to make across. 

After we talked about Abe, we then made a copy of his hat and beard for the girls to wear.  We actually used the same template as our Leprechaun beards from last year (yeah, they worked).  They both had fun making the hat and beard.  My oldest did ask why he had such a big hat and I just told her he was a very tall man so he needed a tall hat, that seemed to satisfy her so we were able to finish the hats.

Do you explain Presidents Day to your kids?  If so how do you go about it?

Paper Plate
Black Paint

2 Sheets Black Construction Paper
Glue Stick
Beard Template
Black Felt
Stapler (if you want)

Cut the center out of your plate, it is easiest to just fold the plate in half and cut it out.

 Paint the plate with black paint

 Glue your two pieces of construction paper together.

The top of the hat should be a little bigger than the hole.  Measure it then glue your paper.
 Go around the bottom of the hat and cut then fold .
The bottom of the hat should look like this when done.
Glue the top of the hat to the plate.  (you can staple it if you want)
Printout the Beard template and then cut it out
Trace then cut your beard out of black felt
Using your scissors poke a hole in each end of the beard and put a string through.
 Wear your Abe Lincoln Hat and Beard for Presidents Day! They look just like him don't they?
Thanks Abe for all you did for our Country!


  1. This is great that you're piquing their interest in such areas. I'm sure they have fun now and will thank you later. :)

  2. What a Cute Idea for President's Day!!

    1. Thanks! We did have fun with this one, and hopefully the learned a little something too!

  3. thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

  4. How fun! Thanks for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop!

    1. Hope to see you tomorrow on the next hop!

  5. Those are the cutest versions of Abe Lincoln I have ever seen.Thanks for sharing at Fluster's Creative Muster. Looking forward to seeing what you link up next week.

    1. LOL THANKS! I think they are pretty cute Abe's too. And thanks for hosting!

  6. They look so cute!! I love their expressions in the hats!! I would love to invite you to link up at our Share It Saturday linky party. We have lots of creative ideas submitted each week and you would fit right in!

    We also are inviting all contributors to join us on our Share It Saturday Group Pinterest page as a collaborator. It is a great way to have your posts seen by new viewers! The link for the Pinterest page is on our post. Hope to see you there!

    Colleen at Sugar Aunts

    1. Thanks so much! And I linked up, thanks for the invite!

  7. This is adorable, Tracey! You are such a creative mom and I love how you are always finding unique ways to teach them! Thanks for sharing at A New Creation!

    1. Thanks Jessica! I try and I sure hope they are learning something with all this. I think we really tend to have more fun than learning but I still try :)

  8. Great instructions and good idea for President's Day. Thanks for sharing with us at Tumbleweed Contessa. Don't forget to come back to What'd You Do This Weekend and share your weekend projects on Monday.

    Thanks, Linda

  9. What a great idea!! We did not talk too much about Presidents' Day this year. There was too much going on between Valentine's Day, Daddy's birthday and leaving to visit Mimi and Pop. Next year we will definitely have to give this a try though. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  10. That looks great!

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.
