Saturday, December 29, 2012

DIY Party Hats

Yesterday my daughter had two friends over (you know to help with the winter break boredom).  I decided that it would be fun to do a quick craft project with the kids (am I the only one who is always thinking of doing crafts?) and that is when I decided to do party hats.  I thought they would be fun for New Years and I had all the supplies on hand so it was the perfect last minute craft for a bunch of kids (okay only 3 but more than my usual amount of kids anyway).

They all were pretty excited about making the hats and then had to have a hat party once they were all done. A hat party apparently consists of drinking juice and eating snacks while wearing awesome party hats.  I have never been invited to a hat party before and thought it was quite a lot of fun, at least the kids at fun at it, I was not invited to this one either. 

Since this was a very last minute idea we just kind of made the hats on the fly and had to figure it out as we did them.  Originally we were going to glue the pipe cleaners to the construction paper but none of the kids were patient enough for the glue to dry so we used tape to hold them in place instead.  Feel free to use the glue if you have more patients than a bunch of kids hurrying up to get to a hat party.

What are you all doing to help with the Winter break boredom?

Party Hat Template
Construction Paper
Pom Poms
Pipe Cleaners
Hole Punch
Glue Stick

Start by printing your pattern and cutting it out.  Then trace it onto the construction paper and cut it out.
 Have the kids decorate the hats using the pom poms and gems.
Tape the pipe cleaners on the inside coming out the top of the hat.
 Fold the paper over and glue to make the hat.
 Glue pom poms to your pipe cleaners if desired.
 Punch a hole on each side of the hat and then tie your string on to help the hats stay on the kids heads (I tied one end then put the hat on the kids to measure how long the string needed to be).
Now the kids are ready for a party with their cool fun hats!


  1. Those hats are super awesome!!!

  2. Haha - so cute! I love the party attire!

  3. Cute idea! Thanks for visiting

  4. you all know how to have fun! Happy New Year wishes and thank you for sharing at the hop. I hope you will stop by again soon. I posted the new giveaway! xo
