Monday, September 3, 2012

Smores Cone

Happy Labor Day!  What did you all do for the holiday?  We decided to go camping.  Unfortunately here in Kansas there is a burn ban so my daughters favorite camping treat ‘SMORES’ was going to be a no go this trip.  But then I thought why not make a Smores Cone, that way we could still have them and all we had to do was heat it up on the Hibachi grill (which was the only way we were allowed to cook).  

So the night before we left on our trip my daughter and I put together a bunch of cones for us to have on our campout.  They were pretty easy to put together and kept just fine until ready to heat.  I was worried that they might be too hot to eat but that was not even an issue we were able to eat them right off the grill.  And my mom (who joined us on our camping adventure) even said she thought they were better than regular campfire smores.   They sure were a lot less messy that’s for sure.   

All in all I was pretty happy with the way these turned out, my daughter was not disappointed that we could not actually roast marshmallows, they were very easy to make, the cleanup was easy, and they tasted great!  I think these will also be a great treat to have at home too, just pop those suckers in the oven to heat up and you’re done.    

Waffle Cones
Chocolate (can use broken up bars or chips)
Mini Marshmallows
Tin Foil

 If using chocolate bars start by breaking up the bars into smaller pieces
 Once the chocolate is broken up put a couple pieces in the bottom of the cone
 Add some mini marshmallows on top of your chocolate then repeat the layers one more time
Roll your cones up in a piece of foil 
  When ready for your treats, simply heat the wrapped cones on the grill to melt the chocolate and marshmallows 
 Unwrap and enjoy your yummy treat!


  1. New follower here from the follow back blog linky. And was SO glad I stumbled upon you! I'm always looking for ideas of things to do with the kiddos and am looking forward to looking around. That crystal tree thing looks like they love that!
    nancy-of the crazy 9

  2. Im a new follower from Katherines Thursday Favorite Things linky party. =)

    This recipe looks great!
    I live in KS also, its been so dry here this summer!

  3. What a fun idea!!!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)

  4. Great idea! My sister would love this :) New follower too.. Hope you can follow back as well.. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Weekend Wonders link party! Hope to see you back on Thursday Have a great day :)

  5. Great idea! I'm pinning! Thanks for linking up!

  6. What a neat idea!! Sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!
