Sunday, September 9, 2012

Healthy Pizza Bites

I am always on the hunt for healthy foods that my kids will actually eat.  My oldest is my picky one but that is a new thing in the last year, she use to eat pretty much anything I gave her.  Now she won’t eat anything unless it is mac n cheese or pizza.  So when I found this recipe on Dashing Dish it was something I had to try and see if the girls would like it. 

First I have to say that I absolutely LOVE these.  For me they taste just like pizza and I can eat them all day.  My husband was also surprised that they tasted like pizza and were so yummy.  The kids also liked them but my oldest was the least thrilled out of all of us.  She ate them but did not find them to be as awesome as the rest of us (that’s my picky eater).  However she ate a whole meal that was pretty much made out of a veggie so that is good enough for me.  My little one (who eats anything) thought these were great and ate every single one I gave her.  

So if you are like me and keep trying to get your kids to eat healthier you simply have to give these a try.  Even if they are not totally thrilled if they eat them it is a win. 

½ a Head Cauliflower
¼ Cup Egg Whites
1/8 Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese
½ tsp Dried Oregano
½ tsp Dried Basil
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
½ cup Turkey Peperoni
Pizza Sauce

 Preheat oven to 425, and spray a mini muffin tin with cooking spray
 Put Cauliflower into food processor and blend till it is almost rice like
 Place Cauliflower in microwave (without water) for 8 min
 While that is cooking cut up your peperoni into quarters and then mix all other ingredients together
Add cauliflower too all other ingredients and then place back in microwave for 2 min
 Scoop mixture into muffin tin and bake for 30-35 min.
 Serve with some pizza sauce to dip in
Finger Licking Good!


  1. These look sooo good! Pinning them :) New follower from the Mom's Monday Mingle too.. Hope you can follow back as well :) Have a great day!

  2. New follower from the Naptime Review! Stop by and follow back!

  3. This is the second thing I have seen done with cauliflower for pizza, I am definitely going to have to try them because like yours my child is getting pretty picky about vegetables.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting from Whimsically Homemade!

    1. Glad to know mine is not the only one, I wish they would just eat the good stuff would make it a lot easier. I hope your little one likes these too!

  4. These look so great, and I can even eat them since they don't have flour. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this and any other posts. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It runs from Wednesday to Sundays.
    I hope to see you there. I am your newest follower, and I would love for your to follow me also. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  5. Oh, how interesting. We may have to try this. Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!

  6. Yum these look good, and anything that tastes like pizza will be a hit around here. Thank you for linking up to The Sunday Showcase!

  7. Perfect chi;d friendly food! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Your participation helps make it a success.I'm sorry I am slow to visit this week as I am fighting a nasty head cold and my time on the computer has been limited.Wishing you a beautiful day .

    1. Hope you are feeling better today! I so hate being sick.

  8. This sounds like a great idea! It makes me wish I had little ones at home to try it with.:-)

    1. Oh trust me when I tell you that you will LOVE these too. I have a hard time sharing with my girls they are so yummy!

  9. This is such a great idea! I'll have to try this with my boys :) Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  10. I have listed your posting as one of my featured links for this week on my Friday Favorite Blog Links

    Visit my blog to grab your featured blogger button.

    Debi Bolocofsky

  11. My dietitian friends tell me pizza can be a healthy food (protein, vegetables and complex carbohydrates). "Can be" is the key. Those thick crusted, deep dish, meat lovers specials with extra cheese are probably not what my dietitian friends are talking about as far as a healthy meal.

  12. I see the original recipe uses Parmesan cheese, did you leave this out??

    1. Yes, I left it out. But you can totally add it if you want.
