Friday, September 21, 2012

Halloween Chocolate Covered Apples

Are you ready for another Apple Recipe?  I sure hope so!

Yesterday we made these yummy chocolate covered apples.  But since Halloween is just around the corner we decided to decorate them for Halloween and turn a couple in to apple jack o lanterns. 

I decided that instead of covering a whole apple I would cut the apples in to slices to make them easier for the kids to eat.  And it worked out great, my little one has a hard time eating a whole apple but she had no problems eating these!

I did find out that there is a bit of a trick to making chocolate covered apples, because you know the first batch did not turn out exactly right (all the chocolate dripped off the apples).  The trick is to slice your apples then put them in the freezer for a bit (I left them in while I melted the chocolate) then after you coat them with chocolate put them back in the freezer till the chocolate sets…. Now why did I not think of that the first time?

1 Cup white chocolate chips
1 – 2 TBS milk
Yellow food color
Red food color
Lollypop sticks
Decorating gel
Wax Paper

Wash then slice your apples.
 Stick your lollypop sticks into the bottom of the slices, and then put your apples in the freezer.
 Pour your white chocolate chips in a sauce pan and turn the burner on med-low, continually stir the chips until the chocolate is melted.  

If your chocolate seems too thick add a table spoon of milk and stir, continue to add the milk one tablespoon at a time until your chocolate is creamy yet thick.
 Add your yellow and red food coloring until you get the desired orange color.
 Take your apples out of the freezer and dip them in your chocolate, then set them on your wax paper.
 If using sprinkles use them now, then put all your apples back in the freezer till chocolate is set.
 After an hour or so, take your apples out and decorate with your gel to make jack o lantern faces.

 Now just eat and enjoy your yummy treat!


  1. What a great idea! These look delish! Thanks so much for joining our Countdown to Fall link party! Happy Fall! :)

  2. These are so cute!! I'm pinning to try them out with my little one! I know she would love them!

    I would love to invite you to share this at Mom's Test Meal Mondays!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. I am sure your little one will love them, both my girls sure do. Heading over now to link up, Thanks!

  3. Oh, how fun and yummy!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  4. Oh these are brilliant. I've pinned them to our boards

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

  5. So cute, thanks for sharing this too! We look forward to your chocolate recipes this week! :)
    Mackenzie from the Iron Chef Mom Team :)

  6. oh so yummy and cute come see what I shared at
