Monday, August 6, 2012

Pinkalicious Pancakes

If you have girls then you probably know who Pinkalicious is.  If you don’t then your girls are either too old or too young.  My oldest daughter who is 5 years old LOVES Pinkalicious.  We have most of her books and the ones we don’t have we can usually check out at the library (which we have to go do about once a week.)  To be honest I really like the books, she always has a lesson to learn and has fun while learning the lesson.  Oh and she has the best food, pink lemonade, pink cupcakes, and well pink pancakes. 

The other night we were reading one of the books and there were pink pancakes in it, and you know my daughter had to ask for some.  So I thought this is great I will make them using Strawberries and get her to eat something healthy… a great plan right?  WRONG, she totally tasted the strawberries which she does not like and well they did not come out very pink.  My youngest daughter and I both loved them but I knew I would have to make another batch for my oldest since she did not like these.

So the next morning it was back to the kitchen and this time around I just added some red food color to the batter and that seemed to work perfect.  The pancakes came out a very pretty pink color and my daughter loved them.  I did not get to hide anything healthy in them but well I tried. 

Pancake Mix (and anything it calls for, like eggs, water, or milk).
Food Color


Make your pancake mix according to directions
 If adding strawberries puree them in a blender first then add to pancake mix (Note: you will need more pancake mix since the strawberries will make it runny if you don’t)
 If not adding the strawberries (or if you are and want your batter pinker) add some red food color till you get the pink color you want.
 Now make your pancakes as usual
Then eat and enjoy your Pinkalicious breakfast.

Pinkalicious Pancakes using food Color

Pinkalicious Pancakes using Strawberries


  1. I love this idea. I am always excited to find ideas for bringing books alive. I'm pinning this for future use.

    1. I agree, the kids get so excited when you can bring the book alive.

  2. Hey Lady!! I just came across your cute blog through the mingle and I'm your newest follow! I'd also just love to invite you to check out a fabulous TRIPLE GIVEAWAY I'm having right now!

    Hope to see you there, and thanks you so much!


    1. Thanks for the invite will head over and check it out!

  3. Great idea! I'd love if you could link this to Thursday Food Fest at Hope to see you. Sarah

  4. Thanks for linking up! My daughter will love this!

  5. I love PINK so this is right down my alley!! I am loving your fun blog! I am a new follower! Would LOVE for you to join my site as well!

    1. Thanks will head over and check out your blog!

  6. What a great idea....a great way to add nutrients, too! And they are so pretty!

    1. Yes, I am finding as a parent I have to sneak healthy things in a lot. But adding can be fun too, and these were YUMMY!

  7. so cute! my dds would love this :D Please share it at Pin Inspiration Thursday

  8. These have to be good. I often make the muffins in the fall using strawberry cake mix and 100% canned pumpkin. My grands love them! Thanks for sharing this idea. Helen (from Katie's blog hop)

    1. Oh those muffins sound so good! Pumpkin and strawberries....YUMMY!

  9. Oh, how fun and delicious! We haven't gotten into Pinkalicious yet, but I will have to check out a book at the library. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. Just to let you know I'll be featuring these this week. Thanks again for sharing!!

    2. Oh thanks so much for featuring this. I grabbed your button too. Thanks again!
