Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Whip Cream Sensory Bin

My oldest at 8mo old

When my oldest daughter was about 8 months old my mother gave her a plate of whip cream and let her play with it.  I remember feeling a little horrified at the mess that was about to be made, but my daughter had so much fun with it I quickly got over that (well until it was time to clean up that is).  So the other day I was thinking why not make a whip cream sensory bin for my youngest daughter.

Right now my oldest is in Florida visiting family (man I miss her so much and it has only been a few days) so I have been trying to spend some quality time with my little baby and this was an opportunity to have some fun with her and get her senses charged.  And too keep myself from freaking out about the horrifying mess that is bound to be made with this activity we took this one outside and I had a bath ready to go when she was done.  I was surprised however that she did not get anywhere near as messy as my oldest did and she had about 4 times the amount of whip cream; goes to show that even at this young age they are two totally different people.

1 Bin to put everything in
2 Large tubs Whip Cream
Misc. toys that have different textures and shapes

 Get all your toys, shapes, letters, or whatever you want to use ready.
 Fill your bin with whip cream, (I used a larger bin and had to use 2 large tubs of whip cream, you can do this on a smaller scale if you like).
 Now put your toys in the bin and stir it up so they are in the whip cream.

I highly suggest taking it outside now and then letting your child explore and use her different senses (this bin uses site, touch, and taste)


  1. Looks like she had tons of fun! My 2.5 year old may just love this! (although he's funny about having "dirty" hands) lol Great idea!!

  2. LOVE! I thought about doing this a while ago but completely forgot as it was Winter! Yay for Summer fun! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  3. I'm so trying that! Thanks for sharing!

    Julie @ Naptime Review

  4. So cute! We did something like this on Monday. After the children had played with them for a while I added a little food coloring and whamo it was new again!
    Your blog and your children are darling!

  5. This is a great idea...much better than the shaving cream my mom used to let me play with! So many great ideas here...thanks for sharing. Your kids are soo cute. I'm now following you via the blog hop and would love for you to check out my blog and follow as well! All the best, Monica

  6. She is sooo cute. For my son's 8th birthday we filled paper plates with whipped cream and let the kids have a mock pie in your face party. It was a truly great party!

  7. OMGosh! So cute! Looks like fun!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)

  8. I love all of the things you added to the bin. What a lovely sensory experience! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  9. Just popping by to let you know I featured this adorable activity on The Sunday Showcase this week! Hope you'll pop over and grab a button!

  10. Oh, how fun!! Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
