Monday, July 30, 2012

DIY Piggy Bank

When my oldest was about two years old my mother bought her her first piggy bank.  And it turned in too one of her favorite things quick.  She would sit around and put coins in then I would take them out then she would put them back in.  She enjoyed this so much that I even brought the piggy bank on her first commercial airlines flight for her to play with because it would entertain her for hours. 

Well last week while my daughter was away visiting family in Florida, my youngest found her piggy bank.  And if you can imagine she was just as fascinated by it as my oldest was.  So I thought it was time to go buy another piggy bank for my little one, when I realized that hey we could make one (because we are awesome crafters now ;)) And I actually figured out how to make one with supplies we had around the house so we got to make this cute piggy bank for free, love it when that happens!

I decided to let my oldest have the new homemade piggy bank and let my youngest have the other one.  The only reason for that is because it is harder to get the coins out of this homemade bank than the other one.  And since she wants to just play with it by putting the coins in over and over the other one serves her needs better.  And this one is better for my oldest because it is not so easy to get the money out so she can actually SAVE it and since she cannot see what she has inside it she is less likely to want to go spend it on candy (gotta hate it when they figure out money can actually buy stuff).

1 Water Bottle
5 Water Bottle Caps
1 Gatorade Bottle Cap (or any other larger size cap for the nose)
Pink Paint
Glue Gun
Googly Eyes
Pink Foam Paper (for ears)
1 Pink Pipe Cleaner (for tail)

 Paint your bottle and bottle caps all pink
 While the paint is drying curl your pipe cleaner around your finger to make the curly tail
 Now cut your ears out of the foam paper
 Fold your ears in half so they look more like piggy ears.
Once the glue is dry glue your Legs, Eyes, Tail, Nose, and Ears on to your pig
 Then cut a hole on the back big enough to fit a quarter or folded dollar in.
 Start putting and saving money in your new bank!


  1. Do you have to cut him up when you're ready to take the money out?

    1. Megan, you can take the cap off and get some of the coins out but if you put dollars or larger coins like quarters then yes you will have to cut it. I was thinking though you could slice a hole in the belly and then tape it up if you wanted so you can still use it and he will still be super cute. But for me I just don't want my daughter to get the money so this works great for us.

  2. I love this!!! I might have to do this with my daughter here very soon! She loves to "save coins" (she is 2)

    Following you from the Monday Morning Blog Hop! Hope you can follow back!

    1. Oh I hope your daughter has as much fun with it as mine are!

  3. Clever, thanks for your sharing your instruction. I'm now your latest follower through Made In a Day blog hop.

    Best regards,
    Award-winning Children’s Author
    Write What Inspires You Blog

  4. I am your newest follower via GFC. You have a lot of great ideas here that I will have to try with my son.

  5. Hi, coming over from the Monday Mingle! Wow, that looks awesome!!

    1. Thanks, I thought he came out really cute ;)

  6. Great idea! And seems like something you probably have all the materials for just sitting around waiting to be used. Hopping over your way from Monday Mom Musings!

    1. Yeah, we had everything here and if you are missing something we used at your house I bet there is something you have that can substitute, I LOVE projects like that :)

  7. Ahhh!! This to die for adorable! I'm going to do this with my 3 year old like, today. Thanks for the great idea. New follower from the Mingle.

    1. Thanks!!! I am sure yours will come out super cute too!

  8. This is definitely cute!!! Love the color pink.

    1. Thanks! I really like pink too, guess that is good since I have two girls!

  9. This is a great craft and super cute! New follower from Made in a Day!

  10. Oh my, that is so cute! What a fun idea. :)
    Found you via Made in a Day!

  11. Participating in Mom's Monday Mingle for the first time! :) I'm your newest fan. Please follow back


  12. That is an adorable piggy bank. Please stop by and link this post to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. It would be great if you could stop by each week and link your wonderful arts and crafts ideas.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  13. love this so much!!! I'm saving it for crafting with our younger grandchildren. Thank you for your bloggy friendship and for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

    1. Thanks Katherine! And thank you so much for hosting, I just love your site!

  14. Love this!! Saving it for my daughter for her next sick day!!
    Thank you so much for joining us in Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop! With His grace, wishing you peace and many blessings to you and yours... Carla

    1. Thanks for hosting! Hope your daughter has fun making her piggy!

  15. That is adorable! I think he needs wings too! You know "If a pig had wings!"

    1. Oh I love that idea! He would be so cute with wings!

  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we need one of these! He's so cute!

  17. that's soooo cute! like the pig in Toy Story! what a fun way to help kids learn about saving money! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  18. Tooo Cute!! love that little bank! My kids would have a blast making one! Thanks for sharing!

  19. So cute!!!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)

  20. Oh what a cute idea!!! I might steal it for my playschool! Thanks for sharing your post with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday!

  21. My kids love piggy banks, so I'm featuring this today on Eco Kids Tuesdays! I pinned it too, and I'm following!
