Saturday, October 29, 2011

Last Minute Halloween Costume

For E-man's first three halloween's, I went to the costume store and bought him the cutest costume I could find. But this year he has opinions. He wants to be Wow Wow Wubzy. We went to several stores in search of this costume, but none of them fit him. So I get to make it myself.

The first idea was to find a yellow pillow case and cut a whole in the top, then paste on eyes, nose, mouth and a tail. But believe it or not, a yellow pillow case is hard to find. I did find one full sheet set for $50 at target but didn't think it was worth the money just so I could tear apart the pillow case.

I was almost ready to give up when I came across a bright yellow towel on sale for $4. Sewed up the side, sewed on a velcro opening in on the top, painted on some eyes, nose and mouth and my son's eyes lit up as he declaired it, "Wow Wow Wubzy."

Now I just have to go to the .99 cent store and see if I can find one of these Slinky Pop Toob for a tail and he'll be all set for the parade on Monday. If I'm feeling really creative between now and Monday, I'll also find some yellow gloves, socks, and a yellow hat with ears.

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