Monday, October 24, 2011

Acorn Jack O Lantern

I think I have created a monster.  Every afternoon when my daughter gets home from preschool she is now asking what project we are going to do.  The other night I was tired and well not really in the mood to do a project.  But to the pleading of my 4yr old… “Please mommy, please!!”  I finally gave in.

So I sent her out to pick some Acorns (there were a few left that the squirrels had not taken). I saw a picture a while back (and I can’t remember where I saw it) of some Acorn Jack O Lantern’s and I thought that might be a cute project for us.

Orange paint
Paint brushes
Black sharpie

After getting all your Acorns, start by paining them orange.  We ended up doing about 3 coats of paint.
 Once your paint dries, use your sharpie to draw faces on your Jack O Lanterns.

Well this was a quick and easy project.  If you have younger children they would probably get a kick out of this one, but it is also fun for the older children too. 

I think these would be really cute to put around the table for a Halloween party.  Or a fun craft for the kids to do at the party, because it is great for all ages.  Hope you all have fun making these, we sure did.

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