Sunday, October 6, 2013

Candy Corn Jello/Pudding

Candy Corn Pudding

Nothing says Halloween like candy corn does.  I know it is not good for you at all but man is it YUMMY!  I grew up eating candy corn all October because it is my moms favorite candy.  So needless to say my girls enjoy it too because this time of year I always have to buy a bag or two.

But since we are trying to eat healthier, I thought we could make a candy corn treat that was a bit healthier than the real candy.  For Valentines day this year we made some Valentine pudding/jello treats that the girls loved so I thought we could do something similar for our candy corn pudding.

So for this yummy treat we used pudding for our bottom and top layer and then put jello in the middle.  I just love the combination of jello and pudding, and the girls really like it too.  We of course added some whip cream and sprinkles (because my oldest just LOVES sprinkles), but you don't have to add those if you don't want too.

These would make a great treat for a Halloween Party or Class party.  They are easy to make and the kids will LOVE them!

What is your favorite Halloween Candy?

1 Packet Lemon Pudding
1 Packet Orange Jello
1 Packet White Chocolate Pudding
4 Cups Milk
1 Cup Boiling Water
1 Cup Cold Water
Whip Cream (optional)
Sprinkles (optional)

5 Cups

 Pour Lemon Pudding packet and 2 Cups milk in bowl and mix well
 Pour pudding evenly in each cup.  Refrigerate for 5min to let pudding set.
 Mix 1 Cup boiling water and orange jello packet until jello is dissolved.
Add 1 cup cold water and mix well.
 Pour jello ontop of the lemon pudding in cups
Refrigerate for at least 15min until jello is set.
 Mix 2 cups milk and the white chocolate pudding mix.
 Pour white chocolate pudding ontop of the jello.
Refrigerate until pudding is set.
Candy Corn Jello Pudding
 When ready to serve add whip cream and sprinkles if desired.
Now eat and enjoy your treat!


  1. Yummy! I love candy corn! I'm waiting for someone to invent candy corn flavored ice cream.

    1. Oh my I would go crazy over candy corn Ice cream, that sounds so good! I agree someone needs to invent that!

  2. This looks fabulous. What a really fun idea. I love it! Jodi @

    1. Thanks Jodi! It is yummy, we just love the mix of pudding and jello!

  3. Hi I love the way this looks and I bet it is yummy. I would love to make this for my family sometime soon. I saw it on craft o maniac's party.
    Julie @

    1. It is YUMMY! I need to make more already it sure did not last around here!

  4. YUM This looks good!!! I'd love if you'd stop by and link up over at Candy Corn Recipe Round-Up

    1. Thanks for the invite Sara! I linked up and shared your round up linky on Twitter, G+, and facebook!

  5. Oh what a lovely recipe! I love that your kids got involved, too! I followed you here from the Marvelous Mondays party, btw. I'd like to invite you to come share this with us at Tasty Tuesdays! We're asking for Hallloween recipes to be featured in a big rounup and this candy corn jello would be perfect! :) This week's party is here:

    1. Thanks so much for the invite, I linked up and am now following you too!

  6. Love this! My kids will have a blast making and eating these! Pinned!

    1. Thanks for pinning! It is a yummy treat, I hope your kids love it as much as mine do!

  7. This is just awesome. My kids would love to make it. I'm going to do this with them this weekend. Thanks for sharing your idea. I already follow you on G+ but I added you on Bloglovin and Pinterest today. I saw your treat on Mommy Only Has 2 Hands Blog Hop. Hope you will visit me when you have time.

    Sew Crafty Angel

    1. That is awesome you are making it this weekend. I was already following you on G+ too, I am now following you on Blogloving an twitter too!

  8. Wow that was a lot of milk for little hands to handle! You are a brave mom, lol...the girls are adorable and seem to enjoy every bite of the dessert! No doubts is delicious! Thank you so much for sharing it at the Fluster Buster party! Have a great week Tracey! Lizy your party co host

    1. LOL, I know I just love her face pouring it in the bowl! Thanks so much for co-hosting!

  9. This is such a cute dessert...and who doesn't love jello and pudding?!

  10. I just had to pop over and check this out... I have to have candy corn every October. a BIG bag of it. This sounds so good!

  11. This looks so cute and fun to make! Thanks for sharing it over at Much Ado About Monday this week. I've chosen you as my feature, so stop on by and grab our "I Was Featured" button!

    Have a great weekend!

  12. So clever and cute. My grandkids will love it. Thanks for linking to What'd You Do This Weekend?

    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa
