Tuesday, August 20, 2013

We Made That Linky #52

I have really enjoyed seeing what you all have been doing, so many awesome back to school posts and ideas!  I know we are all busy this time of year and I appreciate you all stopping by to link up, but please remember to share the love and visit some of the other posts in the linky you never know you may just find your new favorite blog!

I have also been doing something new and sharing the most clicked post on facebook and twitter.  I will also be sharing some of my favorites from the week too!  So I hope you all get lots of traffic and some new followers.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook !!

And now it is time to see our featured posts from last week.

The Number one clicked on post was the Fish-Filled Shark Cookies by Hoopla Palooza

Here are a few of my favorites from last week that you should check out!

 Melon Monsters by Kids Fun 101

20 Ways to Keep Toddlers Busy by Teaching Mama


If you were featured feel free to grab our featured button on the left.

Now lets get week two underway!
Linky Rules

1.) Follow us, it is only fair if  you are linking up!

2.) Link up Crafts, Recipes, and projects Made by or for Kids

3.) Do not link up Giveaways, Linkys, Hops, or Business.

4.) Visit other links and leave kind comments.

5.) Check back next week to see if you were featured!

To enter the linky just click below to add your post, please link directly to your post not to your blogs home page.

Also feel free to grab our button to spread the word about this linky.  And don't forget to check out the linky's Pintrest page.


  1. HI from your newest follower :) We are trying to have a baby ourself, so I wanted to follow some mommy bloggers and kid friendly bloggers and I found your page and party! I linked up, so thanks for hosting! Come on over and join my linky party as well! Here is the link! http://wonderfulathome.blogspot.com/2013/08/wonderful-wednesdays-linky-party-week-2.html

    1. Thanks so much for the invite, I linked up! And good luck on the baby front, hope to hear you are prego soon!!!

  2. most clicked?!?! THANK YOU soooo much Tracey! me and my sharks are very stoked about that and also for another party :>D

    1. Don't thank me, thank you for linking up and those sharks are awesome! But then again I think all your stuff is awesome, so much talent you have my friend!

  3. Thank you for featuring our toddler activities!!

    1. Thanks so much for linking up! And I just love all the idea's you listed. It can be so hard to keep the little ones busy and I can't wait till this weekend to try some of your idea's!
