Saturday, August 10, 2013

Back to School Pencil Topper

It is that time of year again, yep school is starting back up.  My daughter is pretty excited to go back to school and see her friends again.  She is starting First Grade this year, wow can she really be getting this big?

This year I thought it would be fun to make these silly pencil toppers for some of her to take to school.  They remind me of those trolls we use to have when I was growing up.  I remember I use to love them and thought my daughter would get a kick out of the pencil toppers.

My daughter picked the color of the fur we used so that is why they are black, I wanted hot pink but they store did not have it and out of all the colors they did have she choose the black (would be good for Halloween too).  You however and make them in any color you want.  I also had her glue the fur on below the eraser so that way she can still use it.  In the last picture below you can see the eraser top peaking out.  It is mostly hidden but if you need it it is there to use!

And don't forget to do your first & last day pictures this year.

9X12 Craft Fur (in any color)
Glue Gun
Googly Eyes


 Cut your fur into pieces 1.5 inches long and 2 inches wide

 Using a hot glue gun, glue along the sides and bottom of the fur back
 Then place your pencil on one side of the fur with the glue and roll it over the fur to cover the top in fur.  NOTE:  We put the pencil just below where the eraser is so that the kids can still use the eraser on the pencil if needed. 
 Using your glue gun glue your googly eyes onto your fur
Now you are ready for School with these cute pencil toppers!


  1. They look great - you could make Santa ones for Christmas too!

    1. I think we just may have to try them for Christmas and some other holiday's too! They are so fun and cute they could be made for almost any holiday!

  2. These would be really cute in Halloween orange and black for a class party and pink ones for Valentine's Day as an alternative to giving out candy! I love non-candy ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am with you there! Non-candy ideas are great, and I agree these could be made for almost any holiday. I think we will be making them for a few different ones!

  3. I remember having so much fun w/these when I was a kid. Someone above me mentioned Halloween and V.Day, I think it'd be a hilarious bunny for Easter too.

    Tons of possibilities! :)

    I'm visiting today from Super Sunday Sync. Thanks for linking up!

    1. LOL, I am glad I am not the only one who remembers these from back in the day. They were so much fun as a kid, and I agree the possibilities are endless!

  4. Beautiful photos! Amazing experience.

  5. Wow! School starting so soon ~ Great creations ~ love them ~thanks, carol, xo

    1. I know, it seems so early. But I guess they need to count for snow days.

  6. I remember these from the 80s! We'd spin them between or hands to make thee fur/hair look funky.

    1. YES! I remember doing that too! We had so much fun with them back then. I sure hope my daughter has as much fun with them as we did!

  7. How cute are these?? I would have loved these when I was little- I had quite the troll collection ;) Thanks for linking up to Discover and Explore- I'll be sharing these on my Facebook page this evening! (Stephanie from Twodaloo)

  8. Oh my goodness my mom had one of these with bright orange fur! I remember it gracing our desk during most of my childhood. I'll definitely have to make some for my daughter!

  9. So funny and cute poject! I love also all sweet pics!!! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial! Would love to have you visit my blog sometime.
    Have a fabulous weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  10. Oh my goodness, I remember those fuzzy pencils. So much fun!

  11. Oh my word, I just love these pencil toppers! I want to make them for myself, and I know my son would enjoy them. Thanks for linking up with Share It Saturday. I'm featuring you this week. :)

  12. How absolutely adorable and fun! Makes me want to go back to school. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday at Organized 31.

  13. I'm featuring these adorable guys at Discover and Explore this week! Thanks again for linking up! (Stephanie @ Twodaloo)

  14. What a cute project! I love it so much that I decided to feature it in our roundup of back to school crafts! Check it out here:

    Have a great day!
