Thursday, July 4, 2013

Healthy Strawberry Banana Popsicles

Well vacation is over and now it is time to get back on track with some healthy eating for me and the girls.  I went to the store a few days ago and saw that Strawberries were still pretty cheap so I but a ton, and then forgot I had them (please tell me I am not the only one who does this). So now I have so many and they are starting to go bad so I had to think of something to do with them.

That is how this recipe came about.  You see my oldest hates strawberries, however she LOVES strawberry banana smoothies (yeah, I don't get it either).  So I thought why not make the smoothie into a Popsicle, that way both girls would eat them.

It ended up working great, I thought at first I might have to add some juice to make them more watered down but that was not the case.  I only added the strawberries and bananas no extra sweetener or anything and they turned out great and the girls loved them.  As a matter of fact they were so excited after dinner to be getting a special treat, that I had to giggle because if they only knew they were eating something healthy....hehehe

I have really been trying to get us all to eat a little healthier and just love tricking my girls with things they think are bad with something healthy like the ice cream we made last year that is made from frozen banana's.   What are some of the ways you get your kids to eat healthy?

30 Strawberries
2 Ripe Bananas
Popsicle Tray

 Peal and slice your bananas and put them in your blender
 Rinse your strawberries and cut the stem off then add to your blender
 Blend till they are liquified
 Pour into your Popsicle tray
 Once frozen you may need to run hot water over the tray to remove the Popsicle
Now eat and enjoy your healthy treat!


  1. These look yummy AND sneaky-healthy! We love juicing in the summer :) Thanks for sharing with us at the LOBS party!

    1. Thanks so much for hosting! I so want a juicer, I could do so much with one ;)

  2. Found you through LOBS...We don't get our kids many sweets and sometimes I feel like Im depriving them of good ole sugar. haha! This is such a great alternative! Cant wait to try it out!

    1. Oh I hope they love these! Mine thought they were getting a sweet treat for dessert!

  3. Oh, this looks so delicious. I'm a new follower through GFC, by the way. I'd love for you to have a look at my blog.

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. What a good idea!! LOVE it!! Thanks for sharing with us at LOBS!

  5. These look delicious! Pinning!

  6. These look great, yum! We are hosting an extra special month long linky party through all of July focusing on frozen Summertime treats and we would love for you to join us! The best part is there is also an amazing GIVEAWAY! To get in on the action please visit us at We Scream for Ice Cream Linky Party + GIVEAWAY! Live from July 1st until July 30th. Hosted by: Dana @ This Silly Girl's Life Parrish @ Life with the Crust Cut Off We hope to see you there!

    1. Thanks so much for the invite, I linked up!

  7. YUM! I love how easy those are! I'd add Greek yogurt, for some extra creaminess, but YUM!

  8. Wow, these look so refreshing. I love strawberry and banana together.

    1. Same here, I think it is the perfect fruit combination!

  9. So yummy! Thanks for linking up to our Home Improvement Party! I'll be sharing this on FB over the weekend.

  10. I like this recipe. We always pour orange juice into our pops. I think orange juice mixed with berries and bananas would be wonderful.

    1. Oh I bet they would be yummy with orange juice mixed in! I will have to try that next time!

  11. awesome! Thanks for sharing with the LOBS.

  12. Looks so yummy and healthy. Love that!

  13. Hi these looks so good and it's easy to make. I saw it on craft-o-maniac.
    Julie from

  14. i keep seeing all these easy and yummy popsicle ideas but never pick up the molds. this one is THE simplest I've seen I must give it a try

  15. What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at One Sharendipity Place this weekend! We've already got it pinned! :)


  16. YUM! These look delicious! Would love to have you link them up at Tips & Tricks!

  17. oh these look awesome! my kids have been devouring popsicles lately...maybe it is time i invested in a popsicle mold :-) would love for you to share this at what i am eating

  18. The look so tasty! And well they sound pretty easy to make. Thanks for sharing.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  19. These look much better than the ones we ate as kids (kool-aid)!

  20. I love it that they are literally just strawberries and bananas! I am going to try this! And yes, I buy the heck out of stuff when it's on sale like that. And throw a bunch away. Boo. Thanks for linking up with Pin It! Tuesday!

  21. Congratulations! This post is featured over at Diana Rambles today and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest, Tweeted, Shared on FB, and Recommended on G+. Please grab a featured button off my sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

  22. These look great and I bet kids of all ages love them! I will be featuring them on my Top 10 Favorites from the In and Out of the Kitchen party. The post will go live Monday morning and I will be pinning and tweeting this!

    Thanks for sharing.

  23. Those look so healthy and delicious! And what cuties! Pinning to my summer board. Thank you so much for sharing at All Things Pretty!

  24. Good Morning! I LOVE healthy, simple recipes like this.
    YOU have been featured this morning at Tuesdays with a Twist!
    Hope to see you again this week.
