Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Find It Bottles

WOW the last few weeks have been pretty crazy.  I had a great time in Florida with my family and friends, but I am glad to be home and back to my normal routine again.  Vacations can be exhausting!

Before we left I made a few things to help keep the kids entertained in the car.  These Find It Bottles proved to be great entertainment for both girls on the way there and the way back.  My oldest had a lot of fun finding all the items in the bottles.  My little one enjoyed seeing the stuff in the bottles and shaking them to make sounds (no worries the sound is not that annoying).

The hardest part of making these is finding stuff to put in the bottles.  At first I thought I would never find anything small enough to fit in them, then I got creative and realized that I actually have a TON of small items that would fit.  Just remember that you do not need to only add toys, any small items will work like buttons, pasta, and beads.  There is a picture below of some of the items I used.

I also am very excited to say that my friend Beth over at the Ruffled Daisy has a new website!  If you have a chance please head on over and check it out.  She is also now offering a Daisy Box, which is a monthly craft project mailed right to your door, you don't want to miss this!

Clear Bottle (we used ICE water bottles)
Dry Rice
Lots of Small Toys
Glue Gun
White Paper
Small Photo Laminating Sheet
Yarn or String

  Decide what toys you are going to put in your bottle and lay them out on a sheet of white paper and take a picture.
Print out the picture and use some photo laminating sheets to protect it.
 Fill your bottle with the rice and small toys, we added rice then added toys then more rice and repeated till the bottle was almost full (you want to leave room in the bottle so it can be shaken up).
Once you have all your stuff in the bottle use your glue gun to glue the top on (this will keep the kids from opening it and getting rice all over)
Punch a hole in your protected photo and tie it to the bottle.  
This will let the kids know what they need to find in the bottle


  1. I'm visiting today from Blog Hop Social Linky #75 at Made In a Day, and I'm your newest follower via Bloglovin.
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Join me each Tuesday for Brag About It Link Party
    and Saturday for DIY Showcase Link Party Open Now!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and following! I am your newest follower too!

  2. Hi Tracey,
    I'm stopping by today from the Pin it Tuesday Link Party.
    This is such a great idea - and really simple (I love that!) I'm pinning it to my 'activities' board.
    Hope you have a great 4th!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and pinning!

  3. Hi Sorry I am a little late letting you now your the Spotlight blog of the week! Yikes I left early this morning and forgot to tell you! Anyway congrats!

    1. Thanks so much for the feature KIM!!!! That totally made my day!

  4. My son just made one of these in school, except with bird seed. So fun!

    Visiting from the Made in a Day hop social. I would love it if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

    1. Oh what a neat idea to make them with bird seed! We will have to try that next time. And I will stop by and check you out!

  5. Visiting from Made in a Day Social Hop! Started following through bloglovin' and GC. You have some fun stuff :)

    We hope you can come check out our blog and follow back if you'd like!

    -Kayla from OrchardGirls.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and following! And I am glad you like our stuff and think it is fun, that's our goal! I will head on over and check you out!

  6. Love your blog. Its so fun and inspiring. I'm happy I stumbled upon it.

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad you stumbled upon it too!

  7. I love your creative treasure hunt game for the car. I imagine it keeps little ones very entertained. Thanks for sharing on ARtsy Play Wednesday. I pinned it (http://pinterest.com/pin/94575660897980340/)
    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

    1. Thanks! And yes it kept them busy for quite a while on the way down and the way back.

  8. I've been meaning to make some of these or months now, but still haven't got round to it. Must do it soon as I think there great

    Natasha @ Serenity You

  9. Another great idea!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    Thank you for hopping on board The Great Blog Train!

  10. Kids love this kind of thing! Great idea-and how FUN.

    Thanks for sharing on the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT. We'd love it if you link back to BeBetsy. -xo Have a terrific week.

    Sharon and Denise
    Fashion | Food | Beauty | Out & About | Morning Coffee

    Follow us:
    Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Bloglovin ~ Pinterest

  11. When I was looking at this, my first thought was cute idea to keep the kids busy and then it was my kids would have dumped this all over the car! Great idea to glue the cap on!! Thanks for sharing with us at LOBS!

    1. LOL, yeah that was my biggest fear of them dumping them all over my car. The glue worked great though and no mess at all.

  12. Visiting by way of LOBS. I love this idea! I think these might even be fun for grown ups at a themed party, such as a baby shower.

  13. This looks like a great travel toy too!

  14. Always love visiting to see what you all have done! What a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at One Sharendipity Place this weekend! We've already got it pinned! :)

    Sue @thet2women.com

    1. Thanks for hosting Suzzanne and for stopping by!

  15. These are so fun! My toddler got one as an end of year preschool gift and he loves it. I've been meaning to do another one. Thanks so much for sharing at All Things Pretty!
