Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bubble Snake


I have seen these done all over the web and have wanted to give them a try with my children.  Then I found out that when we were going to visit my mom last weekend our cousin was going to be there too (he is the same age as my oldest) so I thought it would be the perfect time to try these out!

Boy was I right the kids all loved it.  I was not sure if my little one would be able to do it but she did.  It is actually very easy to blow the bubbles and does not take much air so even my little two year old did it.  The older two had fun trying to make big long snakes, however it was so windy that the wind kept blowing them off before they got too big.

The kids did not let the wind stop them though they kept blowing and then stomping the bubble snakes when they came off the bottles.  I do recommend doing this when it is not so windy but last weekend it was windy the whole time (that is life in the midwest!) we made do and still had fun though!

To make these I actually used old baby wash cloths I had that we don't use anymore.  At first I was just going to tuck the excess wash cloth into the rubber bands but I finally decided to just cut it off since we were not going to use the wash clothes anymore.  However you don't have to cut yours or you could just put a sock on the end of the bottle and that would work too! 

Plastic 12oz Soda Bottle
Thin Washcloth or Sock
Rubber Band
Dish Soap (2 parts water to 1 part dish soap)
Water  (2 parts water to 1 part dish soap)

 Cut the bottom off your bottle
 Put your washcloth/sock on the bottom of bottle and secure it with rubber band
 Mix 1 part dish soap with 2 parts water (so 4 TBS water & 2 TBS dish soap)
 Dip your bottle in the soap solution and blow!

See who can make the biggest bubble snake!
The kids will be amazed when the bubbles keep growing!


  1. This looks like lots of fun. I emailed my daughters. I am following you from INspire Me Monday.

  2. This was awesome! We just tried it and both my 10 year old and my 2 year old has a blast. Thanks for sharing this idea. Found you over the Let's Mingle Monday party.

  3. I love this, I am going to try this for my daughter's birthday coming up soon. I have bought a few bubble machines over the years and most either don't work at all or only work for about 5 minutes, the kids are usually disappointed. I think they will just love this though.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  4. How fun.

    Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life

  5. That's so rad! I love bubbles. I'm going home to make that for me.

  6. Love the bubble sock idea, what a neat idea on a hot summer day. I'm going to save this idea for sure. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  7. A great garden idea, do please share on Country Kids too. Popping over from Hobbies and handicrafts

  8. My kids have loved doing this since they were very little. Thank you for coming by and sharing this on Fluster Buster's Creative Muster Party.

    Fluster Buster

  9. I've wanted to try this too, thanks for the reminder! I'm a new follower by way of the Pin Me linky party!

  10. My granddaughters have outgrown the bubbles I love so much, but now I have new grand kids on the way. I am going to put this in their idea file. Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend!

  11. That looks like a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing your bubble snakes on Artsy Play Wednesday. Pinned it (

    : 0 ) Theresa (Capri + 3)

  12. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above's Blog Hop. We are so happy that you joined us last week. We can't wait to see what you have for us at this week's party.
    Debi and Charly

  13. Oh very cool! Thanks for sharing at Eco-Kids Tuesday. Hope you stop by again today!

  14. So cute! Thanks for sharing with us at the HomeAcre Hop. Please come back and see us this week:

  15. That's an awesome twist on bubbles.

  16. After huffing and puffing for a while...we used a hair dryer to produce GIANT soak snakes :) Set it on "cool" and I made a funnel out of my hand to direct air to the mouth piece.

  17. Love it...we don't have alibi- kids to buiöd this with yet, but maybe we can force some friends' kids to join us:-)

    Greetings from Europe,

    Birdy and Bambi

  18. This is the cutest idea! Who would have thought the bubbles would turn into a "snake" like that!!! Love this! Thanks for sharing at our Home Improvement Party this week!
