Friday, March 15, 2013

Water Transfer Experiment

Really there are so many fun science experiments out there to try and I was really looking forward to trying this one out.  Of course this one takes a little time which means my girls were a little disappointed that nothing happened instantaneously but the next morning when they woke up and saw their experiment it was worth the wait!

They both had fun setting the experiment up and we decided to use five glasses instead of the normal three because my oldest could not decide if she wanted to make orange or purple so we did both.  Because this experiment is not only a great science experiment it also shows color changing, so if you have little ones learning colors this would be great!

What is happening with this experiment? The water from the full glass moves up your paper towel into your empty glass, this process is called  Capillary Action.  The water will continue to move until each glass has an equal amount of water in them.  Then by adding the food color, the water from each glass mixes together to make the new color.

5 glasses (could use just 3)
Food Color

 Fill each glass half full or more with water.  Then add Blue, Red, & Yellow food color to three of the glasses
 Stir up the water to disperse the color.
 Rip a paper towel in half and the fold or twist it 
Put your paper towles going from the full glasses to the empty glasses (the girls ready for something to happen, must learn patients)
After time the empty glasses will fill with water transferred from the paper towels. (this was the next morning)
 My little one woke up first and the first thing we had to do was check our experiment.
 She is showing me the water in the empty glass, and I pointed out to her it was a different color.
My oldest just thought it was the coolest thing that the water filled the empty glasses but it was much cooler because we made new colors purple & orange


  1. Круто!!! Какие вы молодцы, очень понравилась ваша идея!

  2. this one too is so cool! please come by and visit our posts for #kidsinthekitchen

  3. HOW FUN!!!! I bet my boys would love this!

    1. Thanks! I am sure they will, my girls just thought it was awesome!

  4. Hi! I'm new to your blog (and blogging in general, I just started 2 of my own last week). I love this idea! I've done something similar when I used to work with kiddos with autism, but I love this idea of transferring to empty bowls!

    1. Thanks! And welcome to the blogging world, I am glad you like this one and that is really cool that you have done it before and use to work with kids with Autism. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Visiting through the Kids in the Kitchen linky...I bet the kids thought this was really cool. My kids will love this...thanks!

    1. Oh they did! And I hope your kids think it is cool too!

  6. This is an awesome experiment! If I wasn't afraid my cats would knock all the glasses over we'd try it. Thanks for linking up!

    1. We have three cats and I was surprised that they did not touch this at all. Some of our other experiments we have to hide from the cats but this one they just were not interested in. Good Luck, I hope your furry friends let you do give this a try!

  7. Hi Tracey, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Creative Home Acre Blog Hop.

    What a fantastic experiment! Would have been interesting enough without the dye, just to see the water transfer, but the cye made it extra special!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you ever get a chance, stop over to my blog to say hi! Have a great day…

  8. Cute I might try this during spring break, thanks for sharing.

    Desiree @ YourCraftyFriend

  9. Excellent idea. Well written. I must try this with my grandchildren.
    Janis @authorjaniscox

  10. Super fun for kiddos! Thanks so much for coming to (link) party with me... I hope you'll come again next week to Super Saturday Show & Tell! xoxo~ Ruthie

  11. Очень красивые эксперимент! Спасибо.

  12. So cool! I pinned this and will HAVE to do this with my boys soon :)

  13. What a cool idea - great explanations, will love to do that, when my baby is bigger

  14. Thanks for linking up to Look What We Did! I've pinned this fun experiment.

  15. This is so cute! Tanks for linking up at! My kids will LOVE this and is a cold spring break here so a fun project is definitely needed!!!

  16. LOVE this idea!! I am pinning it to do with my little ones and the playschool children! And I am featuring it next week at the Link-Up!

    Thanks for sharing with us! I hope you stop by again next week at Eco-Kids Tuesday!

  17. That is so cool! I'm pinning it and trying it with my kids.

  18. Oh, how neat!! We definitely will have to try this. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  19. We love the water transfer experiment! It's so much fun! I'm featuring this on The Sunday Showcase tomorrow.

  20. How fun is that! Thanks for sharing on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you tomorrow at:

  21. Your daughters are right! This is very cool! I'm definitely pinning many of your science experiments for our summer at home enrichment and fun! Thanks for sharing at A New Creation!

  22. What a fun experiment.

    Thanks for linking to The Sunday Showcase. I've pinned to our board.

  23. Love this idea and my boys would love it!
    Following from the HOP - hope you can follow back ;-)
    PS I do a Friday Linky party if you want to link up!

  24. We tried this at home and loved the results! Thanks for the fun idea!
