Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Marshmallow Shooters

This weekend we got a bit of a break in the cold weather since it warmed up into the 40's.  I know not very warm but it was sunny and we could not resist going outside.  Being stuck in the house for months at a time during winter really wears on you so any chance we get to go out in the sun we take.

I thought this was the perfect opportunity to make these fun marshmallow shooters I have been seeing all over Pintrest lately.  I mean really if you can be out side why not have a marshmallow fight right!  So while the girls were digging up my garden (everything is dead now anyway) I ran inside and made these really quick.

Then I headed outside and showed them what mommy just made.  Of course the the only way to show them was to shoot them with marshmallows, so that is what I did.  Then I gave them each one along with some marshmallows so they could get me back by shooting me.  Well my little one never did understand that we were SHOOTING marshmallows, she just thought I was handing her a snack cup with some yummy treats in it.  Oh well my oldest and I had a blast with her chasing me around shooting me with marshmallows.

Plastic cup (any plastic cup will do)


 Cut the bottoms off your cups.
Tie a knot in the end of your balloon then cut the top off.
Put the balloon over the top of your cup.  The knotted end is what you pull to shoot.
 Pull back, aim, and shoot your mommy!
 Or sit back and enjoy a yummy treat!


  1. Fun project!!! Works great as a snack cup as well ;) My little kiddos would love this. New follower! You can find me at http://ponderedprimedperfected.blogspot.com

    1. LOL, yes it worked perfect for a snack cup! Thanks for stopping by and following!

  2. We like to have marshmallow wars at our house! We will have to give these a try!

    1. They are fun! My oldest keeps wanted to have more fights. It is fun!

  3. This would be so fun! My daughter would be the one sitting and snacking on it, too! Ha!

    1. LOL, glad mine is not the only one. She still wont shoot it, only eat the marshmallows.

  4. I love a simple, quick idea and this one is so much fun! Popping in from Crafty Moms share :)

    1. Then you are like me, quick simple and fun that is how I like to keep it! Thanks for stopping in!

  5. So cute. We made some marshmallow shooter at Christmas. They were totally different. These look very fun. Please share here: http://repurposemylife.com/re-purposed-ideas-weekly-22-caught-ya-good-jar/

  6. What brilliant great fun!!!! :-) Have you managed to catch any with your mouth?!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty.


  7. This looks like SO MUCH FUN! My kids would go crazy with this. Love it! I would love to invite you to join us at Share It Saturday. We have lots of wonderful contributors each week, linking up educational play, tips, crafts, and more. We would love to see this post and more from you...You would fit right in! http://www.sugaraunts.com/2013/02/share-it-saturday-6-and-our-week-in.html
    We also have a group Pinterest board we are inviting all contributors to join...it's a great way to gain new viewers for your posts. The link to the Pinterest board in on our linky party post. I hope to see you there!
    Colleen at Sugar Aunts :)

    1. Thanks for the invite I will head on over and link up and check out the Pintrest bard!

  8. This is so simple and yummy! Pinning so I can remember to try them.

    1. Thanks Vicky, they are very simple to make yet so much fun!

  9. Easy and fun! Great project! I think my littles would enjoy them as "snack cups" lol :-)

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  10. Okay, these are amazing! I am buying balloons tonight so I can do this with my boys tomorrow. They will LOVE it!

    1. I am so glad you like them. We had so much fun with them and are actually still using them. We have been having marshmallow fights for days! Hope you and your boys enjoy them as much as we are!

  11. What a fun activity! I saw something similar going around pinterest last year and it is still on my "to do" list =) Thanks for reminding me - my kids will LOVE this!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up to TGIF =-)

    Have a great week!

  12. This is really clever. I could see this keeping my little one occupied for quite a while.

  13. These are really cute, they look fun~ thanks for linking up at Made in a Day!

  14. So fun! My boys would love this; thanks for the great idea! You are a Featured Favorite this week on Cheerios and Lattes! Thanks for sharing this last week, we can't wait to see what you've been up to this week! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  15. Lol! My son is 17 and I'm guessing he'd still have fun with this :) Thank you so much for sharing this on The Creative HomeAcre Hop! I hope to see you again tomorrow! Here's the link:

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. I love this idea- and my kids will, too! Your blog is awesome- this is my first time here, popping over from Making Memories. We've been playing with Rube Goldberg Machines at my house lately: http://thehandleyhome.blogspot.com/2013/02/rube-goldberg-machines.html Stop by if you have a chance!
