Monday, September 24, 2012

Headband Holder

Jill's Daughter with her masterpiece!

A while back my friend Jill gave me the idea for this craft.  Her  daughter made one and thought it would be a fun project for the blog, to which I totally agree and so we made it yesterday.  Jill's daughter covered theirs with white paper and then her daughter drew pretty pictures all over it, which I think came out so cute.  But I wanted to do something a little different (I could not totally copy her idea, that would be bad) so we covered ours with Scrap Book Paper.  But since the paper would not fit totally around the oatmeal container we cut it into strips and then glued it on in stripes.

This makes a super cute headband holder that you can customize to match your daughters room, but the best thing is you can put all her other hair things inside it so that everything is in one spot!  Who knew that our oatmeal containers were the perfect size for a headband... Jill did!  So thank you so much for Jill for this awesome project idea!

I have to be honest here and let you all know that my daughter does not use hair things that often, she won’t even really let me do anything to her hair at all.  But I can usually get her to put a headband on for a picture so that is why we have some.  And my youngest is still young enough to not really have a choice about her hair so I have a lot of hair things for her, which now we have a super cute place to store them all.

Empty Oat Meal Container
2 Sheets Scrap Book Paper
Scissors or scrapbook cutting board

Cut your first sheet of scrapbook paper in to 1 ½ inches thick strips. Cut your second sheet of scrapbook paper into 1 inch thick strips.
Start by gluing your 1 ½ inch strips onto your Oat Meal Container, leave a little bit of space in between for the next strips.
 Glue your 1 inch thick strips onto your container they should overlap a little onto your first set of strips.
Let the strips dry a little then fold them under to cover the bottom of the container and then glue them down.
Place your headbands on to your container and fill it with all your other hair things so everything is in one place.


  1. That is a great idea! I need a place to store Capri's headbands. When the oatmeal is gone, I will give this a try. Thank you.

    1. So glad you like it, when Jill told me about it I just thought it was Brilliant!

  2. sweeet! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  3. So cute!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  4. Awe so cute! I do love practical crafts.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

