Saturday, September 8, 2012

Balloon Blow Up


I have seen this project around the web for some time and have always wanted to give it a try with my kids.  Finally we got around to it and I can’t believe we waited so long, not only because it is really cool but because it was so easy to do. 

We actually did this twice once with my little one when her big sister was at school (otherwise she would not get a chance to really see it) and then again when big sister got home.  I figured we could do it twice and then both girls could do it and see how cool it is.

My little one thought it was really neat but when the balloon first started to blow up the bottle was sitting right in front of her and she got a little scared and pushed it away.  But once she realized it would not hurt her she liked it. 

My older daughter was convinced that the balloon was going to POP and would not take her hands off her ears no matter how often I told her that would not happen.  However be warned if you use more baking soda & vinegar than I listed below then it could happen.  I only used a little so that we could see the reaction but did not want the balloons to pop and scare the kids. 

Empty Water Bottle
1 Tsp. Baking Soda
2 Tbs. Vinegar

 Using your funnel put your 2 Tbs. of Vinegar into your water bottle
Add 1 Tsp. Baking Soda to the inside of your balloon
 Attach the balloon to the water bottle but be careful NOT to let any of the baking soda get in the bottle
 When ready empty the balloon into the bottle
 Now watch the balloon blow up… SO COOL!


  1. How cool I love it when a simple idea works! You could draw on faces when they are not blown up and watch them grow :)

    1. Amy that is a GREAT idea. I bet that would be so cool. Okay we are going to try that!

  2. I love it. Have you tried the rootbeer/Mentos experiment, that one is pretty cool as well!

    1. No we haven't. We need to try that one, there are so many fun things out there to do. Life is great!

  3. What a fun way to keep your little ones entertained! I love the comment above about drawing a face on the balloon. You gotta love baking soda and vinegar. You can have all kinds of fun with them!

  4. Oh, how fun!! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!

  5. Baking soda and vinegar is so great. Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase!
