Thursday, August 9, 2012

DIY Sprinkler

I don’t know about where all of you live, but here in the Midwest it has been HOT.  So playing outside is just not much fun, unless you are in the pool and well you can’t live in the pool (okay my 5yr old thinks so but really you can’t). 

So in our attempt to be creative and beat the heat we decided to make a sprinkler out of a coke bottle.  I know it’s been done before but hey we had never done it so it is new to us.  And well it was a lot of fun.  My daughter just ran through the water over and over again.  So we had an afternoon of fun and it did not cost us a cent (since we already had the bottle and tape).  I just love projects that are not only super fun but are also free, don’t you?  Oh and our grass really loved this project too, can you tell it is looking kind of brown in the picture.

Large plastic bottle (a 1 or 2 liter is perfect)
Duct Tape

 Using a pair of scissors (or a knife would work too) Pop some holes into your bottle.  Make sure all the holes are on top and two sides, you don’t want holes on the bottom that will go on the ground).

 Now using your duct tape, tape the bottle to your water hose (best to do this when the water is off) Make sure you tape it good, the more tape the better.
 Once it is all taped up just turn on your water and have fun.


  1. Cool Idea! Never would have thought of it!
    Found you on the Inspire me monday hop
    ATA Girls (Steampunk Egg)
    Treasuring Grace (God Speaks)

  2. Oh, how fun!! I would not have thought of it. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. Just to let you know, I'll be featuring you this week! Thanks again for sharing!

  3. What fun! I have never seen a Coke bottle sprinkler. It looks like fun.

  4. This is an awesome idea if I were to end up somewhere without a sprinkler. The heat & fires are killing us here where I'm at ... I could just lay in the grass under this soda bottle sprinkler :)
