Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tin Can Friends

We started this project a few weeks ago, and my daughter has had the responsibility of watering the cans so that the hair (aka grass) would grow.  I thought this would be a fun project for her that could help teach her some responsibility and be fun at the same time. 

After the hair got long enough we sat down so she could turn the cans into characters.  I let her pick what each ones was going to be, and she decided we needed a girl, a boy, and a monster.   Since we had previously painted the cans pink, blue, and green I was not too surprised in her decision.  It was fun to watch her paint the faces on and do their hair though. 

I think her favorite one was the boy because she got to cut off his hair, and the good news is in a week or so she can do it again because this is the toy that keeps on growing (if you keep on watering that is).   And to be honest these little guys sure do look cute in my kitchen too.  I just have to figure out how to keep the cats from eating them.

Clean Tin Cans
Grass Seed
Googly Eyes

 Start by painting your cans any color you want.
 Now fill each can ¾ way full with dirt
 Then put a LOT of grass seeds (more seeds make more hair to play with) in each can and fill cans with more dirt.
 Now water your grass, and keep watering every day or every other day till the grass is long enough for you.
 Glue your googly eyes to your cans
Paint faces on each of your cans
 Now you can do your tin can friends hair.  It is up to you if you want to brush it, cut it, or do a funky hairdo.
Whatever you decide to do with their hair remember you can change your mind later as the hair will keep on growing and you can keep on playing!


  1. That's a great idea!! I hope you don't mind if I do this project with my daughter, she would love it! I'm popping by to visit from Katherine's linky!

    1. Oh please do it with your daughter, I hope she has as much fun with it as my daughter is. Yesterday she noticed it is time to cut some more hair ;)

  2. Oh what sweet messy fun and so incredibly eco smart too. Love it.

    Following ya now from the Blog Hop. We're riding the wave of life at one little adventure at a time and I'd love it if you'd join us for the sweet ride. And this Saturday we'll be peeking in to another sweet blogger's beach bag and launching our SUMMER Beach BAG Give away... I hope you'll join us.


  3. Oh My Gosh those are adorable! I can see how these would go great with nearly any season and bigger cans painted orange would be a fun thing for Halloween too.

    Following along from the blog hop, I hope you'll swing by and follow back.

    1. I love Halloween idea, I bet if you cleaned out a pumpkin you could do this with the actual pumpkin. We may have to try that ;)

  4. these are so cute! i remember making this as a kid. i'm doing a round-up post next month on activities like this. could i feature one of your pictures and a link?

    1. I would love for you to feature this. Just let me know if you need anything from me!

  5. Hi! I found you on the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop and thought I'd stop by to say hi! Your blog is really fun- we're definitely going to try the tin can project.

  6. Hi! This is too cute!!! What a fun project!
    Newly following from the Epic Hop. :-)
    I'd like to invite you to link this and any other recipe/project to me Super Link Party!
    I hope to see you there! :-)

  7. So cute !Love the name too - "tin can friends" - totally adorable.

    Thank you so much for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!

    Maggy & Alissa

  8. Okay, so I haven't really got into the pain thing to much. Is there a special kind of paint you buy?

    1. Anonymous, we used regular house paint that we have left over from painting different rooms on these. But if you don't have any left over paint you can get small bottles of craft paint at Walmart for 50 cents. We use those a lot when we want different colors.

  9. What a fun idea and so cute! Thank you so much for sharing with the All Year Round Summer Carnival. :) I've featured your post here:

    1. Thanks so much for featuring! I just love all your carnivals so many great projects and ideas!
