Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Homemade Slip n Slide

Summer is here!! Summer is here!!  Are your kids out of school yet?  Well my daughter is out of preschool already and the boredom has set in (yeah and it is only the first week!) So I guess it is time to start thinking of some more fun summer activities to do with her that will keep her entertained longer since summer lasts for several months!

This weekend we made our own slip n slide.  I know you are probably asking “Why make one when I can just run to the store and buy one?”  And the answer is because for the same money (or less depending where you shop) you can make a bigger and better one with pretty much the same effort or less as the one you would buy at the store

I LOVE this slip n slide because it is so wide there are no worries about sliding off into the grass.  And it is long enough to go all the way down the hill in our back yard.  The plastic we used can be bought in different sizes so no matter how wide or long you need you can find the size you want.  

My oldest daughter was so excited about this that the next morning (after playing on it for hours the day before) she insisted that she did not want to go to the zoo but stay home and play on the slide so by 10am she was out slipping n sliding.  My youngest on the other hand was not so impressed.  As soon as the water touched her foot she screamed.  I thought she would love it if she just tried it out so my oldest put her on her lap and went down but nope she was not having anything to do with our slide.   As a matter of fact she just walked over to her swing and wanted nothing to do with us… oh well more sliding for us (yeah you know I had to try it too!).

Plastic sheeting (we used 10ft X 25ft)
Rocks (we used a big rock on each corner to hold in place)
Water hose


Unroll plastic sheeting and place rocks on four corners.
Wet plastic with water then leave water hose sitting on plastic to keep it wet and start sliding!
Trying to go down with Little Sister


I think I will just go on my swing!

Yep, clothes and all I had to give it a try... SUPER FUN!

I am Super Girl!!

I can do this all day!

I am fine right here, and don't even think of spraying me with that water!


  1. That does look like a lot of fun! Thanks for linking up to the All Year Around Carnival!

  2. How fun!!! I'm popping by to visit from Katherine's linky!

  3. FUn! I'm a new GFC follower from a blog hop and would love if you followed me at

  4. I LOVE your Slip and Slide! I have two boys who would love this! I would LOVE to have you join our Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes. My readers would love your DIY ideas! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  5. How fun! Nice blog! I hope to become more domestic!! :)
    New follower from the Finding New Friends Weekend blog hop!
    Come visit me over at

    xo -S

  6. This slip and slide is great. Very inventive. I'm a new follower from the finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. I'm glad that I found your blog


  7. Great idea. New follower here from Finding New Friends Blog Hop. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  8. I'm a co-host for the All Year Round Blog Carnival. We've featured you here:

    You can get a button here:

    Thanks so much for linking up!

  9. I can tell I'm going to have to come back here often when my kids started telling me "I'm bored" this summer!

    I'm a new follower from the blog hop. I hope you'll stop by and visit!

  10. Comng to you from the Finding New Friends Blog Hop. We made a slide similar to this at my uncles house and it ended in what turned out to be a mud pit! It was awesome!

  11. Just thinking about buying a slip and slide! This looks like a much better idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. This looks so much fun! I love how simple it is to set up and I'm sure it would keep Sunnyboy busy for hours! Thank you so much for sharing this with the All Year Round Carnival. :) I've featured your post here:

  13. This looks like a ton of fun!! I'm going to share it on my PreschoolPowolPackets Facebook page!

  14. That does look like loads of fun. Can you believe we live in the mountains and don't have a hill in our yard. LOL!
    Blessings, Dawn

  15. Hi Ladies, Just wanted to invite you to grab my Featured Button if you’d like to use it on your blog. (The html is at the bottom of my sidebar) Thanks for linking up at sharing time!:)

  16. Every time I see one of these, I want to slide! It looks like so much fun and the photos captured their happiness so well :)

    Thanks for sharing this on the Sunday Showcase - I have pinned this to our board.

  17. I've featured this on the Sunday Showcase:

  18. lol love your blog.. great expressions and ideas. love the pictures too. thanks.. will try.

  19. Don't forget the baby shampoo! Just squirt it on & you'll slide so much farther and faster. Won't hurt your eyes either!
