Monday, May 14, 2012

Food Sensory Bin

I have been looking into doing a sensory bin for a while, but my biggest fear is that my youngest would eat everything I put in the bin.  She is still in the stage where she puts everything in her mouth.  So I finally thought why not just do a food sensory bin and then it would not matter if she put it in her mouth, so that is exactly what I did.

But you know I cannot do a bin for my youngest and not do one for my oldest so I changed it up a little for my oldest and added some letters and toys to hers so she would be more interested.

I was surprised by how much she LOVED this whole idea.  Both my kids actually really enjoyed there bins and played with them for quite a while.  I never understood what Sensory Bins were all about but after some Research I finally figured it out.  They are mostly for fun and to stimulate your child’s senses.  And really what better way to start out stimulating senses than stimulating your taste since right?  Well the bin we did actually had more to it than just taste, we had marshmallows that are soft to the touch, pretzels that are a little rough to the touch since they had salt on them, some cereal and candy which all had different textures so not only where her taste stimulated but her touch was too and if you take into account the fact that everything was a different color and shape then her site was stimulated too.  Man I think I got these bin’s down.  Now to get you started this is what we used for ours, but you can use whatever you want for yours!

Bin (we got one at the dollar store)
Jelly Beans
Cereal (any kind)

 Start by deciding what you want to put in your bin, then adding it.
Now just let your kids play and have fun with it; Let them explore the bin and see what they can find.  

Question of the Day:  Have you ever made a sensory bin? 


  1. I LOVE this idea! I have made quite a few sensory bins, but never an edible one. My son's favorite thing to say now is "I need SUGAR." He would go crazy for this bin.

  2. Oh Miss Courtney I am so glad you liked this idea. Both my girls really loved it, I hope your son enjoys it when you make one for him!

  3. Hello!
    Hopping by from 1epicmom.
    These photos are too cute and I love the sensory bin idea! I would definitely have to dig in and eat after a short minute! I hope your daughter lasted longer than I would! LOL!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
