Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chili Casserole

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My sister actually gave me the idea for this recipe.  My daughter loves chili and she loves corn bread so I knew this would be a hit in our house.  I probably make this a couple times a month it is so good and I can get my daughter to eat it without a fight so that is a huge plus.

This is also a recipe where you can add lots of stuff to it and the kids never know.  The basic recipe is below, but in the past I have added the following to this tomato’s, carrots, and green chilies.   I have also tried different puree’s to add to it (I got the idea of adding pureed vegetable from Jessica Seinfeld cook book Deceptively Delicious, she adds puree’s to everything) this recipe has such a strong flavor it can handle almost anything being added to it, so sneak in those veggies!



1 lbs ground beef
1 15oz can chili beans
1 8oz can tomato sauce
1 15oz can corn
1 package chili mix
1 package corn bread mix


Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Brown your ground beef
Add beans, corn, tomato sauce, and chili mix to the beef (if you are adding extra veggies/puree's add them now). Bring to a boil then simmer 5 min.

Pour beef mixture in to an 8x8 pan.
In a bowl mix your corn bread according to package directions.
Pour cornbread mixture on top of beef mixture in pan.
Back in oven about 25 min or until toothpick inserted in cornbread layer comes out clean.
 She ate all her dinner tonight with no fight.  Oh and it was PJ day at school that is why she is still in her PJ's at dinner time :)


  1. Hi,

    I'm your newest GFC follower! I'm coming from week 31 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop!
    I had to write this recipe down so I can make it!! Your dish looks sooooo good!Your daughter made out good that day by wearing her pj's all day and having a great meal! lol,,she is so cute!Pj's are so comfortable!

    Please feel free to swing by my blog to follow as well!

    Shannon's Tales of Motherhood



  2. Hi Shannon! I agree Pj's are awesome. My daughter just loves pj day at school.

    I wanted to let you know there is a print recipe link just above the list of ingredients if you want to just print it out. I am sure you will love this one!

  3. My family would love this. :) I had never thought of sneaking purees into dishes like this - I may just have to try that trick.

    I'm really enjoying your blog, so I just subscribed. I found you by way of a blog hop. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with!

  4. Thanks Corinne, This recipe has been a family favorite in my house for a while, and adding the purees is pretty much the only way to get my daughter to eat certain veggies.

    Thanks for subscribing I just checked out your site and I love it. I also have an 8mo old daughter so it is perfect!

  5. Yum! Thanks for sharing. Pinned ~ Paula
