Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween Googly Eye Frame

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If you are looking for a fun and crafty project to do with the kids for Halloween then this is the project for you.  My daughter and I had such a great time making the two frames above. My 4yr old made the purple one and I made the orange one. The painting can get a little messy so we just painted the frames outside to keep the house from being purple. Of course after she finished painting the frame she had to paint a few rocks then a couple pictures to show daddy. Kids sure do love to paint.  I also put my daughter in an old shirt I use for painting so she did not get paint on her clothes.  

Trust me when I tell you that these really are pretty easy to make, and they really do make a nice decoration for the holiday.  We have had a couple visitors to the house since making these and my daughter gets so excited to show hers off. I just love the pride she has when she makes something herself.

Here is what you need and the directions on how to make these yourself.

Picture frame (I bought mine at Joann's with a 50% off coupon)
Craft paint (Orange, Green, or Purple)
Lots and lots of googly eyes (all different sizes)
Ribbon to match
Letters (I used wood letter bought at Joann's) if you own a cricket you can
cut them out of chipboard

Start by painting the frame and letters with your paint. 
Once the paint is dry glue the googly eyes on, I used a glue gun but wood glue would also work if you want. Try and be random when gluing the eyes on, the more random the eyes are the better looking the frame will be.
Cut your ribbon to fit the frame and then glue it on.
Now glue your letters to the ribbon.
All that is left is to get a cute picture of the kids in there Halloween costumes and put it in the frame. 

Here is my very proud daughter with her finished frame. 

1 comment:

  1. It would be a considerate touch if you would hav pinned the original source of this idea. It's cute but not ur own...
